1. Mr Military.

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"I don't have to choose, I've always know

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"I don't have to choose, I've always know." I roll my eyes as my parents try to show me all the collages I could go to around here. "I'm going to NYU." I say making them roll their eyes. "Why do you want to leave us? Eric stayed here." Mom says, talking about my perfect older brother.

"Eric does whatever you two say. Is it so wrong for me to want to get away for a while, see more of the country? It's not like I'm asking for a gap year and to travel the world." I say making them roll their eyes. "You just want to go so you can get even higher then you can here." Mom says making me take a deep breath and closing my eyes, calming down, before standing up from the dining room table.

"I'm going out, I'll see you when I see you." I say before grabbing my keys and leaving the house. I instantly grab my phone out of my pocket and message Owen, my oldest friend. He tells me to meet him at his house, so I walk a few blocks before arriving and walking straight around to the back yard.

"Rory!" Owen shouts making me laugh before walking over to the boys and hugging them all. "Ooo, Flynn decided to join us." I smirk at the only guy here in my grade that isn't worried about getting caught at school, also my school smoking buddy. "Princess." He smiles, showing his two little dimples, making me roll my eyes before sitting next to him and taking the joint from his fingers.

"What's it this time?" He asks as everyone goes back to their conversations. "Collage, again." I roll my eyes as he just smiles cheekily at me. "What happened this time." I trace the cut on his lip. "Woke up and the fridge wasn't restocked." He says making me shake my head and take another toke before passing it back to him.

"Graduation needs to hurry the fuck up." I say making him nod as he inhales. "Got any room in New York for your smoking buddy?" He asks making me smile. "What happened to Mr military?" I ask making him shrug as he smiles at me while resting his head against the chair. "I need someone to come home to." He says making me smile and shake my head.

"Of course, you can come home to me." I smile making him show a cheesy grin and hold the J to my lips as I toke it. "You want a drink, Rory?" Owen asks as he stands up. "Got a beer?" I tilt my head, making him smile. "Right away sugar tits." He smiles making me laugh and shake my head.

"What's new with you Rory?" Tyler, one of our friends asks before snorting a line of coke. "I'm pissed off your not sharing." I smirk making him smile and pass me the $20 dollar bill. "Love you." I smile before doing a line. "You good princess?" Flynn smiles as he plays with my hair as I hold my nostril and make sure none of it's stuck.

"Much better." I smile at him, he holds my cheek and pulls me to rest my head on his shoulder with my eyes closed. "Tired already sugar tits?" Owen asks making me smile. "Just relaxing." I smile as I take the beer from his hands. "There's that pretty smile." He smiles before sitting down opposite me and talking with the guys again.

"My little perc princess." Flynn says making me laugh. "I took percs once." I say making him shrug. "But that was the night we got close." He says making me nod. "True." I say making him smile. "You tried to fuck me that night." He says making me roll my eyes. "A change from the norm, you're always trying to fuck me." I say making him smile. "Can you blame me? You hang out with us." He says making me laugh.

"Like I'm any better then you lot." I say making him raise his brows. "Old money." He coughs making me roll my eyes and push his head away playfully. "Kidding, we love your rich fat ass." He says as he grabs my ass, making me push away from him while we laugh.

"Oi! Hands off Parker, she's off limits." Owen says making us laugh as Flynn holds his hands up before throwing his arm over my shoulder. "Rory, want a line?" Owen smiles as he holds the $20 bill in front me me. "I'll have another." I smile as I take it from him and lean over the table and snort the line. "Atta girl." He smiles as I lean back and hold my nose to make sure it's all gone.

"You are so sexy with you ass in my face while you snort coke." Flynn says making me laugh and rest my head on his chest and close my eyes. "You got any tequila?" I open one eye as smile at Owen. "For you sugar tits, yeah." He smile before walking over to me and kissing my head before walking inside. "You've got a beer?" Flynn asks confused.

"And your dicks hard? Are we just stating facts?" I ask making him smirk before looking down at the tent in his sweatpants. "Help me then sunshine." He smiles as he grabs my legs and puts them on his lap. "Bring a blanket to man!" Flynn shouts as he rubs my legs that are either side of his dick. "I'm not doing that." I laugh making him pout. "I know, I'm just teasing you. I am gonna bounce in a bit though so I can meet Kyla." He says making me roll my eyes.

"Blowing us off for pussy." I say making him laugh. "I've got needs petal." He says making me laugh. "Shit, me too. Imma call up Jacob." I say making him roll his eyes. "That asshole." He says making me laugh. "He's a dick, but his dick is good." I say making us laugh.

"You ain't getting no dick but mine." Owen says as he walks up behind us with tequila and a blanket. "Shut up." I laugh as take it from him. "I'm kidding, be safe though. I'm not ready to be a stepdad." He winks making me laugh before slapping his ass as he walks past. "Kinky." He smirks before sitting down opposite me.

"Are you in love with Owen?" Flynn asks making me laugh. "No, he's just my best friend. He's seen me at my worst." I say making Flynn smile before pulling me to lay on him, with my legs still on his lap, but he lifts my ass up to sit on him and he pulls my head to lay on his chest.

"I'm not tired." I say making him shrug and rest his head on top of mine. "Neither, but I want a cuddle." He says making me chuckle. "What about Kayla?" I ask making him sigh. "I don't cuddle girls I sleep with." He says making me roll my eyes. "One day you will. I can't really say anything though, I bounce the second I can." I say making him laugh as he plays with my hair.

"I'm loving this red." He says making me smile. "Only you and Owen like it. Everyone else says I look satanic." I say making him laugh. "It's just you though, you suit hair like this. I couldn't imagine you blonde or something." He says making me laugh. "I am naturally blonde." I say making him lift his head up and look at me confused.

"Fuck off are you." He says making me laugh. "For real." I smile. "I can not imagine you blonde." He says making me smile before grabbing my phone out of my back pocket and showing him a pic of me as a kid. "Oh my god! You look so different." He says as he zooms in while I laugh. "Your bangs." He says making me roll my eyes.

"At least I didn't have a bowl cut like you." I say making him pout. "Meany." He throws my phone lightly at me before crossing his arms over his chest. "I look pretty good now though, huh?" He smiles making me smile and shake my head. "Your very handsome Flynn." I smile before grabbing his face and kissing his cheek.

"Thank you princess." He shows a cheesy smile, making me roll my eyes before chugging the beer Owen gave me earlier.

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