3. Self Cruelty.

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"Rory? Rory!" I hear my mom shout, waking me up. "What should I do?" Flynn asks making me roll my eyes. "Lay there looking pretty." I say making him smirk and shake his head as I stay led on top of him. "What the fuck are you doing? And with him?" She asks disgusted, making me roll my eyes and lift my head to look at her.

"Well, I was sleeping to sober up until you came in here screaming." I say making her scoff. "You are on your last chance, Rory. You've skipped school to be with this trailer trash." She says making me get up and stand right in her face. "The trailer trash who has saved my life every time I've overdosed while you sat at home with dad, wishing I didn't come back?" I say making her look me dead in the eyes. "I don't know what I did so wrong with you." She says making me smirk.

"You were you. Now get out." I smile sarcastically before she huffs and leaves. "Rory." Flynn says making me sigh before I turn around and smile at him. "Back to sleep." I force a smile and snuggle up to him. "Sunshine, are you okay?" He asks seriously, making me take a deep breath. "You know what? I'm not tired anymore, and I'm way to sober. I'm gonna get changed and then we will meet up with the guys for the party. See yourself out." I pat his chest and walk into the bathroom.

As soon as I shut the door, I fall against the door and begin crying. I hide as I cuddle myself into a ball and let it all out. I must have been crying for twenty minutes before there was a knock on the door. "What mom?" I ask as strongly as I can. "It's Flynn. I've been sat here for like thirty minutes, can you open the door?" He asks making me roll my eyes and grip my hair, annoyed. "Just go, Flynn." I say as I stand up and start the shower.

"Your hurt, Rory. Just let me in." He says making me scoff. "Why? Cause you care so much about me?" I shout as loud as I can as the tears keep falling. "Of course I care about you. Plus, I understand what it's like for your parents to hate you." He says making me scoff. "PARENT! Your moms dead!" I say making my heart drop as soon as it leaves my mouth. "I'll see you later, Rory." He says quietly making me lean against the shower and begin crying again.

I always fuck everything up. I push people that get to close away. I'm to fucked up to let anyone in, but Flynn has always just made me feel so safe. He's always been there for me, like I said, he's saved me four times when I've overdosed. He's the only person who knows about what goes on at home except for Owen, he Owen only knows a little.

Flynn and I have always gone to each other with our problems, but there was something about him seeing it that made me feel weak, so I did what I always do when someone sees me, the real me, the weak me. I pushed him away by saying the worst thing I could.

He's spoken to me multiple times about his mom, how he misses her and how he would do anything to see her once more. I shake my head before stripping my close and stepping into the shower. I wash my body and hair before getting out and doing my teeth. I moisturise everywhere before grabbing my make up and doing a full face with a black and red smoky eye, I do a nude ombré lip before adding some gloss.

I dry my hair before putting it in a low ponytail and curling the ends. I leave the bathroom and rummage through my closet and picking a black shirt sparkly dress. As I put my underwear on, Owen calls me. "Hey." I smile. "Hey sugar tits, you meeting us all at mine?" He asks making check the time. "Nah, you guys go. I'll meet you at the party in like an hour." I say as I slip my dress on. "Okay, be safe. I love you." He says making me smile. "I love you too, dingo." I say before hanging up.

I roll a blunt and smoke it in the backyard as I swing on the tire swing my dad made us as kids. "Hey sunshine." Flynn shouts as he walks up behind me, I turn around and bite my lip anxiously. "I am so sor-." I begin before he cuts me off. "Don't. I've know you long enough to know you didn't mean it." He smiles as he leans against the tree next to me. "That's doesn't make what I said okay. I am really truly sorry, Flynn." I say making him smile at me. "Apology excepted."  He smiles as he pulls me off the swing and takes the blunt.

"You look absolutely beautiful." He smiles as he spins me around making me smile. "You look like a dad." I say making him smirk as he leans against the tree. "Daddy?" He asks making me laugh and push him away. "Wanna walk?" I ask making him smile and hold his hand out for me, I throw the blunt on the ground and take his hand, walking to Maya's house.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2022 ⏰

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