Chapter Six: The Return

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The next afternoon, Iris and I are working our shifts at jitters when we see our old classmate Tony who was also Barry's bully in Elementary school.

''Iris, Nina. Long time no see," Tony glanced at us. 

"I gotta say you guys look amazing.'' 

''Thanks I guess'' I said. 

''Can I get you drink, Tony'' Iris asked.

''No actually I'm here to see you'' He said towards Iris and I walked off. Until he left Jitters, I never liked Tony since he was always abusive around everyone.

Later that day; Iris got in contact with The Streak about Tony, while I was at Iris' place where we had police detail. We both heard crash coming from outside, we both saw the cop car trashed. Suddenly I turned around Tony was right there, in front of us.

''Hi Nina.'' He said and he left Iris behind. He took me to our old school.

''What are we doing here, Tony?" I said

"Well I heard you know who the streak is and you sometimes help Iris with her blog and now you're going to help me to convince Iris to write. About me.'' He said

''Why would I do that?'' I said

''Because the streak is dead.'' He said

''No he isn't, I know he isn't, your lying.'' I said

''Either way you and Iris are going to write about me on her blog.'' He said

''Why us?" I said

''Because I like you. I always have'' He said

''You should've said something'' I said flirting. I walked closer enough to him, where I pulled the fire alarm to get away. He pulled me back and threw me against the lockers, which I hit my head massively. Suddenly Barry comes in with his streak suit and he super speeds me to sit up by the lockers.

''Stay here'' He said and I nodded. Afterwards, I passed out.

3rd point of view

After Barry took down Tony he called for backup and the rest of team locked Tony up. While The streak took Nina to the hospital where Barry dropped her off and super speed-ed home and changed into his clothes. Barry headed back to the hospital Nina slowly woke up from her nap and saw, Barry sleeping in the chair beside her.

Nina point of view

''Barry?" I said in a husky voice

''Nina. How are you feeling?!" He said

''I've felt better.'' I said

''When I heard Tony took you; I just don't know what I would've done if anything happened to you." Barry stated.

''Well I'm still breathing so that should count for something and my guardian angel is looking out for me too.'' I stated, Barry laughed.

''Now go back to sleep you need the rest.'' He said

''Okay'' I said and he kissed my forehead and I slowly fell asleep.

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