Part 1

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The sound of an alarm goes off indicating that it's morning and Tyki didn't really feel like waking up. He was far too tired to even move. But the alarm clock just wouldn't shut up. So, Tyki threw the damn thing against the wall smashing it to pieces. He got up exhausted and sore. Looking down at his watch it was 8:30 a.m. he had a few hours before he has to report to The Earl. Tyki stood up, slicking back his messy hair out of his face. He walked to a mirror and started to fix the clothes he slept in. He slowly buttoned his shirt wincing at the pain in his shoulder. During his mission, last night, a team of exorcists ganged upon him. It wasn't anything Tyki couldn't handle, but one of the lucky bastards wounded his shoulder with their damn Innocence. Just thinking about it, made Tyki's Noah angry. He fell to the ground trying to control his breathing as his Noah acts out. Once Tyki finally calmed his Noah down and himself, he gets back up. He fixes his hair leaving the bedroom.

Tyki walked around the place realizing this isn't the place he thought it was. He was expecting a rundown room, a falling about building, and his friends making 3-day old coffee and crap food. What he found was a nice flat, an aroma that was too sweet for any man, and a fully stocked kitchen with food. He realized where he was... Tyki instinctively came to his girlfriend's place. He sighed loudly putting his face in his hand. The last place he wanted to be was here. He didn't feel like talking to her. Even though Y/N knew about who he was, and what he really did as a Noah, he still really couldn't talk to her about some things. She can get a bit overprotective when it comes to missions endangering him. One time she got in Lord Millennium's face about a mission that Tyki was tasked to do... He had to seduce another woman, no harm. But Y/N didn't like it. So, during one of the Noah meetings, she barged in and started yelling at The Earl to not have Tyki go on a mission like that while he is dating her. After it all, Tyki, unfortunately, got an earful from his brother and fellow Noah's on how he shouldn't tell an outsider about missions and also how he should never allow such a woman to talk to The Lord Millennium like that. Honestly, Tyki found it very hot. The way she holds herself and doesn't take shit from any man no matter how powerful. That just gets him. He really can't get enough of a girl like that. He would never admit it out loud, but Tyki was falling for Y/N.

He looked around the flat for any sign of her, she didn't seem to be home which was a relief for him. He really didn't want to explain why he suddenly dropped by, or the fact that his shoulder was out of whack. He knew what Y/N would do, and he didn't want to deal with that today. He was tired enough. But since he was there, Tyki decided that he was going to grab some food before leaving. He grabbed some bread and made toast, he also grabbed eggs and hash browns that Y/N had already cut up. He felt a little bad taking her food, but she constantly reminded him that she didn't mind, and if he didn't eat any of it, most of it will go bad. In the end, he didn't feel so bad about it.

Tyki sat at the table with his breakfast platter and started eating, watching the time as he did. He wasn't sure when Y/N would be back, but whatever she was doing was keeping her busy. Around 9:45 a.m. Tyki cleaned up the kitchen and the bedroom, making sure there was no trace of him left in the flat. He didn't want Y/N to get the idea of him living there. That was the last thing he wanted... Getting a clingy girlfriend who wanted to move in together, or worse gets married. The thought gave him shivers. Getting married, whoever made that concept deserved death by a thousand cuts. The thought of settling down with a wife and kids, in a small house with a picket fence, sounded as boring as killing someone quickly. That life wasn't for him, maybe his older brother Sheril, but not him. Tyki needed excitement in his life, and yes being with Y/N was exciting and thrilling, but he knew that one day he'll have to dump her because she'll just end up being another boring dame. Which was just too bad. She had a great body, was amazing in bed, and she was exciting for him. Tyki shrugged his thoughts away. He grabbed his coat and headed for the door, as he opened the door suddenly he was met with a white-haired boy with a recognizable scar on his left eye. Allen Walker. Allen was a proclaimed exorcist for the Black Order, a Noah's natural enemy. He was once ordered to kill Allen Walker, he almost did, but the short little bastard somehow grew his broken Innocence back. But when The Millennium Earl discovered that Allen Walker held the traitorous 14th inside his little head, the order to kill Allen was changed to Protecting Allen at all costs, even if it meant losing a Noah's life. Allen somehow got The Earl wrapped around his finger and Allen so much as didn't want anything to do with The Noah Family. Everything about Allen pissed Tyki off, all the way down to the fact that he was really good friends with Y/N. Tyki hated how close those two were but couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't tell Y/N who she could and couldn't be friends with, that would just be bothersome for Tyki, and he couldn't threaten or tell Allen off or Tyki would get an earful from The Earl. All he could do was grit his teeth and bear the fact that Allen Walker was friends with Y/N.

Allen and Tyki both jumped back getting startled, neither expecting the other. Tyki not expecting Allen to be at the door and Allen not expecting anyone to be inside the flat. Tyki was surprised to see Allen at his girlfriend's place so early in the morning. He scanned over Allen who seemed to have a bag of something. He looked over at the door and saw a key on a chain with other keys in the door lock. Why did Allen have a key to Y/N's flat?! He looked over at Allen with a puzzled expression. Allen was apologizing embarrassed. Saying things like "I didn't expect you to be here" and "Y/N said no one was home." Tyki didn't really care. He wanted to know why Allen had a key to his girlfriend's flat.

Before Tyki could say anything about the key and why Allen was here, he was getting called to The Earl's side. A Noah trait that was more annoying than useful Tyki believed. He looked down at his watch and saw it was nearly 10 a.m. Tyki needed to get to The Noah's Home and report to The Earl about the mission. Allen at this time was watching Tyki confused, he didn't seem to be listening to anything Allen was saying nor interested. Tyki got in his face and said quickly, "I was never here." He ran off in a hurry. Allen sat there a bit stunned. Why did it matter if Tyki was here or not? He was dating Y/N shouldn't he be there all the time? Allen just shrugged off the behavior, he grabbed his keys from the door and walked inside. 


This is my first attempt at an x Reader, I have another chapter after this one, but I'm not too sure if I should have it as a long one or just short and sweet. I was going to have this as only a Lemon, but well... The first part was a bit longer than a lemon should be. 

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