Part 2

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Tyki knocked on the door. He waited only a few seconds before Y/N opened it. Tyki nearly laughed out loud looking at the state of her. She was covered in flour and other foods, she look like she lost in a food fight. When he walked in he saw her opponent. The kitchen somehow was in a worse state than Y/N was, there was flour on the floor, up the walls, and somehow on the ceiling. It looked like she was doing some sort of baking, which Tyki started to snort at the thought of, Y/N knew better than to bake, she was horrible at it. By the state of the kitchen, she clearly didn't learn that.

As Y/N closed the door she blushed a bit embarrassed at the state of the kitchen. She apologized telling Tyki she was trying to bake a cake for one of her sisters' parties. Unfortunately, things got a bit out of Y/N's control, flour and other ingredients got thrown everywhere when she was fighting with a new mixer her brother gifted her. The cake was for a party her sister was throwing, they couldn't get a premade cake in time, so Y/N said that she would be happy to make the cake. She didn't realize how difficult it would actually be though. Tyki laughs at her a bit and helped her clean up the kitchen.

"Oh Tyki, Allen came over today and mentioned that you were leaving here." Y/N brought up while cleaning the walls of flour and an attempted cake batter. Tyki gritted his teeth, damn kid ratted him out. "Oh yeah, I crashed here last night after my mission. Hope that's not a problem." Tyki tried to keep it simple and to the point. "Oh no, it's alright. I just feel a bit sad that I missed you, I stayed at my sister's, she's been a bit nervous about the party so she asked me to stay over and help her plan a bit." Y/N started filling the sink with hot water to soak some of the dishes. "Oh, don't feel bad. I honestly didn't even know I came here until I woke up." Tyki chuckled a bit at the thought of him being so exhausted from a mission, he doesn't remember how he even got to Y/N's place or why. Like he got drunk or something... Y/N giggled to herself. "Aw, how sweet. You subconsciously came to my place right after a mission, it's as if this is a second home to you." Tyki stopped wiping the cabinets, the thought never occurred to him. Was this a second home? When he wasn't on missions or hanging out with his friends, he was here. He was relaxed here. He didn't have to lie about who it was, not like with his friends. He could be just Tyki Mikk with Y/N. Was this really becoming a second home? Yet another thought crept into his mind... He hung out here almost every other day. Around the time Y/N came back from work to the moment she headed to bed. He was here with her. But he didn't have a key to the place. He had to either fade through the walls or knock on the door. Yet Allen had a key to her place. Allen hung out with Y/N on her way to and from work. He would come over to drop things off when she was too busy. He was her little errand boy and he got a key. Tyki was her boyfriend and he never even got an option for a key. It's not like the key had any special meaning to him or something. He wasn't jealous of Allen. Far from it. He didn't even want a stupid key to Y/N's place. Having a key meant they were moving too fast. It was one step closer to moving in together and that was the last thing Tyki wanted.

Tyki was snapped out of his deep thoughts to Y/N shaking his arm a bit. He looked over at her, she had a look of concern. She was apparently calling for him, and he didn't seem to acknowledge her. He sighed a bit, this was troublesome for him. Y/N hated when he ignored her while they were in the middle of a conversation. Tyki apologized telling her that he got lost a bit in his head. They finished up the kitchen, it took an hour or two, but they still got it done. Y/N started to work on the cake again, with some help/supervision from Tyki.

When they finished icing the cake, Y/N put it in a cooler for tomorrow. At the time Tyki sat on the couch exhausted from cleaning and baking. Y/N walked over holding a book, she told Tyki to sit up, which he reluctantly did. She sat down next to him. She was halfway through her book when she opened it and started to read. It must have been a good book, she got sucked into it quickly. Tyki watched her read, he studies every feature of hers. When she got to what he thought was an exciting part, she would bite her lip holding back a smile. When she got to an upsetting part, she would purse her lips tightly. Watching her expressions made Tyki smile, he thought she was always cute, but when she read her books, she just became cuter. The best part was when she never knew how much she expressed herself while reading. So, whenever Tyki would point it out, she got embarrassed and tried not to do it as much. Tyki just loved to tease Y/N every chance he got. The best teasing, he thought was when she'd read and he would start to stroke her neck slightly. Her neck was her weakness Tyki had discovered. One day when he went to massage it and she let out a sudden moan. She tried to play it off as she was ticklish there, but it was too late, Tyki knew and he was never going to forget it.

Tyki tried to read his own book, so he had at least something to do. But he just couldn't focus on it. He kept finding himself staring at Y/N while she read. She seemed to be enjoying the book, so he didn't want to disturb her. After many attempts to stay on track with the book, he gave up and just used it as a way to sneak glances, without her noticing. Tyki looked at every part of her, over and over. The way her hair would gracefully sit on her shoulders and back, the way her eyes would flutter when she was reading her book, how she would bite her bottom lip when her book got exciting, and the way she held herself, strong yet relaxed. All of that made Tyki's head run wild with thoughts, that were too impure to tell a lady like Y/N. They had been dating for a while, this wasn't the first time that Tyki had impure thoughts about her. Luckily Y/N wasn't the 'not before marriage' type of girl. He had 'dirtied' her so many times, and made her do things for him or to him that it would make a priest blush. Yet, no matter how many times they did it, Y/N still acted as if they never had, whenever Tyki made advances to her, she would get all embarrassed, saying they shouldn't do something like that during the time. Which made it fun for Tyki, it was almost like a challenge, he would get to tease her ruthlessly until she was begging for it. It wasn't hard to get Y/N to say yes, it took a few tries. The only times when it was difficult was when she was truly busy with something. When his advances didn't work after 2 attempts, he would quit and leave her alone. He was a gentleman after all. Forcing a girl to him wasn't any fun and just distasteful. A chase is thrilling, but only with an enemy. Having a willing partner was way more fun because they were into it, you could ask them to do certain things, and you could do certain things to them, which made it even more exciting and much more enjoyable for Tyki's taste. He could make it last all night if Y/N allowed it. 

Tyki was taken out of his thoughts, by a sudden discomfort. His pants started to get a bit tighter. He slowly put his book closer to his lap, in case Y/N began to notice his tent. All that thinking of Y/N and what he might do to her finally got to him. He needed to be subtle, the best way to get Y/N on board or well in the mood was to get her off, guard. Tyki lightly brushed back a few loose strands of hair, lightly stroking her cheek. Y/N looked up from her book, he softly smiled at her as he tucked her hair behind her ear. She returned the smile, then went back to her book. Tykislowly moved his hand across the back of her neck, which gave her a slight chill. He leaned in, kissing her on the cheek. Y/N's smile grew a bit bigger. Which gave Tyki the sign that she wasn't going to push him away. He took the opportunity to move a kiss to her jawline, then down to her neck. He lingered on there, giving her small kisses up and down. Y/N slowly put her book down, leaning into each kiss Tyki placed on her. Tyki moved his hand from her neck down to her waist, Y/N moved her body towards him, dropping her book. When Tyki heard that thud, he quickly moved up and kissed her deeply, which she did in return. He smiled a bit, the fun was just beginning. 


Okay! Finally got the second part done. Took a bit longer than it should have. The next part I hope won't take so long, It's going to be a lemon, so a warning beforehand. 

If you like my story please comment and let me know what you think and please vote. 


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