Part 4

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Hey Everyone! Author here, I realized that I wasn't really satisfied with She Is Mine and it ending abruptly. So, decided I'm gonna continue it a little more!

So Enjoy the continuation.


As Tyki arose from the bed the lights from the morning sun comes through the window. He looks down at Y/N, small rays of sunlight crawling up her body as she sleeps soundly. Last night runs through his mind as he looks down at her body. He leans down and kisses Y/N's neck gently enough not to wake her. She stirs in her sleep as he places a kiss on her cheek, a soft smile forms in the corners of her mouth making him smile. He pulls away slowly as he gets up from the bed and closes the window shades, so the light doesn't wake her.

Tyki leaves the room heading to the kitchen, he yawns moving his messy bed hair out of his eyes and sweeps it behind his ear. He walks over to Y/N's pantry shelf, not as grand of a shelf as he has seen at his older brother's mansion but it's a good size for someone who lives alone and doesn't eat a lot. He grabs one of the many jars on the shelf, this one is filled with eggs in salted water. He takes out two of the fresh eggs and grabs the small saucepan from the pot rack dangling from the ceiling and fills it with water. He turns on the gas stove and starts boiling the water and once boiling he places the two eggs. He walks to Y/N's ice storage and pulls out some bacon she had gotten yesterday, taking one of the frying pans from the ceiling he places it on the stove next to the eggs and starts frying up some bacon. Tyki thinks about his friends and what they might be eating right now. Probably stale bread and some cheese they all split their wages on,or maybe some food they had to beg the employer for and reheated 3-day old coffee. He has the idea to go the market as a gentlemen and flirt with some of the people their to get some good deals then bring it back to the boys. He liked to spoil his friends occasionally, though he might have felt a tiny bit guilty about being separated from them for so long when he is working for the Earl. He thought about the kinds of gifts Eeez would like, then again anything would be great to him.

Tyki's thoughts get interrupted by footsteps coming from the hall. He looks over and Y/N is already standing in the doorway, leaning against it. She's wearing his button up dress shirt and nothing else. Tyki bit the inside of his cheek trying to control his urge to take her back to the bedroom and repeat last night. Y/N has always had this hold on Tyki, he couldn't pinpoint what it was about her that he just let his guard down so easily. She could come into a room on a normal day with normal clothes or completely naked and he would want her body and soul. He would want to push her up against the wall and have her wrap her legs around him, taking her all over again. This was the pull Y/N had on Tyki. A part of him hated that some woman had power over him, yet he did nothing about it. And still doesn't know why...

Y/N walked over to him, snapping him out of his thoughts yet again. She leans over the bacon and smells it.

"I didn't realize you knew how to cook." She looks up at him with a soft smile, his chest tightens.

 "I thought you only knew how to beg or made the Lord Millennium pay." Y/N chuckles teasing him a bit. Tyki clears his throat,

"I know many things about cooking, how else would I survive the world?" he smirks down at her, Y/N looks away quickly hiding a blush.

"I thought Eeez cooked for you guys." She retorts.

"He mostly does when we work late, but who do you think taught him how to cook?" Tyki gives her a smug look with his response.

Y/N chuckles replying "Momo?"

Tyki raises an eyebrow rolling his eyes. "Ha, Ha, you're very humorous."

Y/N winks at him giving a big smile, Tyki slightly loses his self-control. His hand brushes against her cheek, Y/N looks into his eyes a bit stunned. He leans in, his lips touch hers and she gasps lightly. Tyki stops immediately looking at her.

She smiles "The bacon is burning."

Tyki pulls away at once pulling the frying pan off the stove. Y/N tries not to laugh as much, as she grabs the saucepan with the eggs. She dumps the water and puts the eggs on an egg holder each. Tyki grabs a plate putting the bacon on it. Y/N grabs some rolls of bread and places it on the table. They both sit, she smiles at him and they start enjoying the breakfast.

"Thank you Tyki, it's been a long time since someone made me breakfast." She tells him.

He felt his chest tighten again when she smiled, he couldn't figure out why. He shakes it off.

"It was my pleasure, my dear." He takes her hand and kisses it. She blushes a bit taking her hand back slightly embarrassed. He chuckles thinking about how cute she is.

Tyki takes one of the rolls and cuts it open, he takes some of the bacon, puts it inside the roll, and eats it like a sandwich. Y/N opens the boiled egg and starts eating it while watching him.

"I'm glad Allen got here in time yesterday to get us the eggs, I had just ran out." Y/N comments.

Tyki's chests tighten, but not like the other times this time it was more painful. Being reminded of Allen holding a key to her home angered him in a way. He puts down the roll of bread with bacon.

"Y/N... can I ask you something?" he asked looking at her. He was a bit nervous, he wanted to settle this unnerving feeling about Allen and his key once and for all.

"Yeah of course." Y/N replied.

He took a moment, perhaps he didn't want to know about her and Allen. But his curiosity was killing him. He wanted to, no needed to know why she was so close to Allen Walker.


If you guys liked it please vote and comment to let me know whether I should keep going or not.

Next Part should be uploaded soon.

Thanks for reading!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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