Part 3

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Fair Warning This Is A Sex Scene! 



Y/N slightly bit Tyki's bottom lip. He smirked scooping her up and over his lap, she pulled from the kiss blushing red staring down at him. Her expression made his tent pitch higher. He loved it when Y/N got embarrassed at what they were doing when she shied away from him teasing her physically, the best was when she tried to hold things back. Getting her to let out her moans or screams was so satisfying for him. That's what made Tyki crave her the most. He pulled Y/N in close about to kiss but stopped. He moved down to her neck, he softly breathed on it causing goosebumps to form. Tyki grazed his lips on Y/N's soft skin, he didn't have to look, he knew she was biting her lip hard. She wanted him, he could tease until she was about to rip his clothes off. Y/N would get impatient like that whenever he wanted to take it slow and caress her. Tyki kissed the base of her neck, moving his hands slowly down her figure, landing on the small of her back. Y/N started to blush, feeling his hands caress her body. He kissed up her neck leaving small marks. He moved his hand slowly up her shirt, tracing her spine. It caused her to shiver and softly moan. Tyki smirked taking her chin and kissing her deeply. Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck, Tyki licked her bottom lip begging for entrance. She opened her mouth slightly, he didn't even want to wait, he moved his tongue into her mouth. Their tongues danced, Tyki tasted every corner of Y/N's mouth. He pulled her closer deepening the kiss, he couldn't get enough of her. No matter how many times they did this, he was never satisfied. He always needed more of her. Tyki laid Y/N on the couch her legs moving up his hips. He needed to be inside her, he couldn't take it anymore. He needed to feel her warmth, her skin on his. He was going crazy. Tyki moved his hand up Y/N's shirt, she moved her hips a bit. They pulled away from the kiss, a string of saliva connecting them. Tyki looked in her eyes panting a bit. "Y/N..." he trailed kisses down her neck, moving his tent against her. He whispers in her ear, "Can we?" Y/N blushed red at the feeling of him rub up against her. She nodded.

Tyki shut the bedroom door, throwing Y/N on the bed. She looked over at him biting her lip as he slowly took off his shirt, he crawls over to her with intense eyes, like a predator looking at his prey. She laid on her back as he crawled on top of her. Y/N's heart was racing, her ears were deaf from her heart beating loudly. Her body was getting hot and uncomfortable. Tyki kissed down her neck as he did on the couch as he unbuttoned her shirt slowly. Every time he undid a button a pulse of sensations ran through her body and mind. Her body was getting hotter, she couldn't breathe nor hear from her loud heartbeats. All she could do was feel Tyki, he wasn't even touching her properly and yet he could already make her into this mess of sensations. By the time Y/N knew it, he had taken off her shirt and was now working on her pants. He moved his hands onto her wet panties. She moaned, all he did was smirk watching her. He moved his hand inside her panties, playing with her very wet clit. Every time he rubbed it, it sent sensations through Y/N's body making her moans loud. He pulled his hand out, getting a small whimper from Y/N. He kissed up her stomach as he pulled off her pants, he cupped one of her breasts. She moaned as he licked it, he kissed and sucked on her nipple. He inserted a finger inside her pumping it slowly. Y/N moaned biting her lip hard, Tyki moved back down leaving a trail of kisses. Y/N gripped the bedsheets moaning loudly as he inserted another finger inside her pumping them faster. He moved to her womanhood and kissed it softly, he started licking her clit moving his hand faster. Y/N's back started arching as the sensations overwhelmed her. Her stomach was getting in a knot, she was getting close. "T-Tyki... I'm gonna c-cum..." she managed to moan out. Tyki only smiled up at her, he removed his fingers, Y/N whined a bit, but not for long when he replaced them with his tongue. She gripped the bedsheets tighter as Tyki ate her out. She arched her back moaning loud as she came. Tyki ate up all her juices. He got on his knees, staring down at her, licking his fingers and lips. "God, you're sweet." He said, Y/N, blushed red watching him. He started undoing his pants, he tossed them, revealing his very hard friend. Y/N stared in awe, she wanted it inside her so badly, her body was aching for it. She got up a bit, Tyki watched her amused, he bit his lip slightly, as she started to rub his member. She licked the tip of it, he shuttered and grunted just a bit. She put the whole tip in her mouth and started sucking on it causing Tyki to moan out. What she couldn't fit in her mouth she rubbed with her hand. He moved her hair back out of her face and grabbed a bit of it. Y/N moaned sending vibrations through Tyki's body, he moaned loudly. He started to thrust lightly in her mouth, which made more vibrations come from Y/N. After a bit Tyki pulled her back, she panted heavily looking up at him a bit sad. He only smirked. "Not yet. I want to feel inside you first." Y/N blushed red at his words. She laid back down and he positioned himself in front of her. He slowly slide inside her dripping wet entrance. Y/N moaned a bit, he waited for her to be used to him. She nodded lightly indicating that she was ready. He started to move, Y/N moaned loudly as he thrust deep within her. He kissed her neck giving her more sensations as he thrust fast. He hit her g-spot making her arch her back moaning out his name. "Oh, God! Right there! God yes Tyki right there!" She yelled, he chuckled a bit thrusting into the one spot over and over. Y/N threw her head back moaning like crazy, every time he hit that spot. He groaned in her ear as she wrapped her legs around his waist. The closer she got, the harder she asked him to go. "Oh, God! Tyki... I'm gonna cum again!!" She moaned out, her vision started getting blurry as he thrust a few more times deep in her. He whispered in her ear with a husky out-of-breath voice, "Me too..." He gave her one more deep thrust into her spot causing her to scream out in pleasure as they both came.

Tyki pulled out falling next to Y/N on the bed. They were panting heavily and covered in sweat. That was one of the better times they've shared or so Tyki thought. He brushed some of Y/N's hair out of her face. She looked up at him and gave him a loving smile. She pulled him into a weak, but loving kiss. "I love you Tyki..." she softly whispered as she drifted off to sleep. Tyki stared down at her blushing. She said she loved him... This was the first time she had ever said that to him. His heart stung a bit, he had never really thought about how he truly felt about her. He liked her, liked being with her, liked everything about her, and liked what they just did. But he never really thought that he loved her. That thought never even crossed his mind. He shook the racing thoughts from his head. He got up and put on his boxers, he started to clean up their little mess. He picked up all the clothes and put them in her hamper, he'll do the laundry after she wakes up. He gently cleaned her up as well, just enough so she was a bit more comfortable while she slept. He laid back in the bed pulling her close. She cuddled up to him happily in her sleep. He stared down at her and thought "Maybe I do love her...? But... The Noah's couldn't accept that... She's an outsider... If he becomes unfocused and his priorities change... The Noah's... They might take Y/N away from him" He resisted the upsetting thoughts swirling in his head. He didn't want to think of such things right now. Tyki kissed her forehead and held her close as he started to drift. "For right now... She is mine." That was the last thought Tyki had before he fell asleep.


Phew! Finally done. That was my first attempt at a completed scene like that. I hope you all like it. 

I don't really know if I will continue this story. It really was just meant to be a lemon-type thing and that was it. But if you guys want a bit more of it, then leave a comment down below. For now, I'll leave it as a completed story. 

Thanks so so much for reading! If you like it comment and vote!


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