Chapter 10

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Error went straight to the gardens. He knew this is where the servant, Mallie, would be. He knows that she likes to care for the flowers on her day off or on breaks. He needed to ask her which cook crossed their boundaries.

His sudden presence in the garden startled the young woman. She turned her gaze from the midnight black roses to him.

Then she lowered her head. "Good evening, Master Error. Is there something you need of me?" She asked.

"YoU aRe OfF fOr ThE rEsT oF tHe DaY. I oNlY cAmE wItH a QuEsTiOn." Error said.

"Oh? What is it?" She asked.

"ThE cOoK tHaT dEnIEd YoU yOuR bReAk. WhO wAs It?" Error asked. This shocked Mallie. How did he know about this? Then it came to her. The head maid must've told him. She felt honored. She didn't really think that, out of them all, Error would be willing to help her. She almost cried.

"It was Allura. She said I wasn't allowed to take my break because I didn't have my chores finished. I'm on kitchen duty today so she said it was 'her' kitchen so I had to listen to her!" Mallie said. Error was quite surprised by her rant but it amused him.

He nodded. "AlLuRa. LeAvE iT tO mE. AlSo, TaKe ToMoRrOw OfF tOo." He said. Then he turned and headed to the kitchen. His puppet had the right idea in mind. However, he was going to add to it.

The cooks and the kitchen maids immediately stood to attention at his presence.

"Master Error! Are you hungry? What would you like to eat?" One of the kitchen maids asked. Error became annoyed.

"WhErE iS AlLuRa?" He asked. Immediately, Allura came into view. Error almost gagged at the obviously fake smile.

"Yes, Master Error?" Using his wires, Error grabbed a broom and extended it to Allura. She blinked with confusion.

"YoU hAvE cErTaIn ChOrEs To Do." Error said.


"By OrDeRs Of YoUr HeAd MaId, YoU aRe To FiNiSh MaLlIE's ChOrEs, AlOnG wItH yOuR oWn ChOrEs FoR tOdAy AnD tOmOrRoW. YoU aRe AlSo Not AlLoWeD aNy BrEaKs DuRiNg YoUr PuNiShMeNt." Error said.

"Punishment?! Wh-what for?!"

"FoR oVeRsTePpInG yOuR bOuNdS. YoU hAvE nO rIgHt TeLlInG MaLlIE wHaT sHe CaN aNd CaN't Do."

"For telling Mallie... Wait just a minute! This is my kitchen! I don't care who the head maid is! I have authority over who works in MY kitchen!" Allura yelled.

Then, when she had a moment to think about what she had just done, she paled. She met with Error's gaze, which was a glare.

Next thing she knew, she was tied in his wires. She let out a scream of pain as Error gave her soul a tight squeeze.

"OnE: ThIs Is NoT 'yOuR' kItChEn. YoU jUsT wOrK iN hErE. TwO: yOu HaVe No AuThOrItY wHaT sO eVeR. ThReE: NiGhTmArE wAs ThE oNe WhO pUt HeR iN tHaT pOsItIoN aFtEr He KiLlEd ThE lAsT hEaD mAiD. DiSoBeYiNg HeR mEaNs YoU'rE dIsObEyInG NiGhTmArE aNd ThAt Is PuNiShAbLe By DeAtH. YoU dOn'T wAnT tHaT, dO yOu?"

Allura shook her head furiously.

"ThEn CoNsIdEr YoUrSelF LuCkY. YoUr OrIgInAl PuNiShMeNt wAs GoInG tO Be JuSt MaLlIE's ChOrEs FoR tHe DaY. I wAs GoInG tO aDd JuSt OnE eXtRa DaY, bUt SiNcE yOu HaD sUcH aN aRrOgAnT aTtITuDe, YoU nOw GeT tO dO bOtH yOuR cHoReS aNd MaLliE's WiTh No BrEaKs FoR a WeEk." Error said, dropping Allura. Then extended the broom to her again. "YoU bEtTeR gEt StArTeD."

Allura nodded then ran out of the kitchen. Error turned to the rest of the kitchen staff. "LeT tHiS sErVe As An ExAmPlE. We Do NoT tOlErAtE dIsObEdIeNcE. So ThE nExT pErSoN tO bReAk ThE rUlEs, WiLl Be PuNiShEd ExTrEmElY." He warned.

He then left and headed back to his room. Back to where his precious puppet was resting in his bed.

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