Chapter 19

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Nara's pov

At 12.30 pm, all of us are having lunch at Junghot Cafe. The cafe is quite large and cozy. There are also many people here and most of them are locals. Topokki here is very delicious, I really want to come here everyday. But unfortunately tomorrow is the time to go back to Yongsan. I'm totally going to miss this place.....

While Enhypen, sat at the other table since they are filming a last clip of their vlog. I sat with the other staffs including Jiyeon. I burped slowly while carressing my full stomach. I ate too much and there's 99% possibility for me to gain weight... I also drank too much orange juice because trying to get rid of the topokki's spiciness.

I stand up and walked towards the woman's restroom. Finally, I felt comfortable and relief after peeing... After that, I walked out from the restroom then suddenly a small thing crossed in front of my tiny feet.

"A.....cockroach?!", I whisper yelled as I stepped at the small bench. I'm afraid of insects...especially cockroaches!

I thought about how am I suppose to get out? Should I just walk out? NO THE COCKROACH MIGHT ATTACK MY PRETTY LEGS. What do I do?? I just stand there watching the floor looking like a weird scaredy-cat. Suddenly, I heard footstep coming towards me. There's a waiter wearing red apron. He looked at me confused.

"Miss, are you okay? Why are you standing there?", he asked making me gulped nervously.

"I-I saw a cockroach...a-and I'm afraid to go out...", I said as he chuckled making me look at him disbelief.

"Don't laugh at me!", I squealed.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry miss, It's okay I'll get the 'small' cockroach that you're afraid about", he said teasingly making me glare at him.

He looked down the bench, searching for the cockroach as I peeked at his actions.

"Oh got it!", he said. What? He catch it with bare hands?!

"BAAA!", He yelled as he brings his hands closer to my face making me screamed, but not loud enough.

"HAHA, It's okay the cockroach is gone", he said and laughed. What kind of waiter he is? A prankster?

"Yah it's not funny! I could have a heart attack!", I said as I hit his chest.

"You're so cute....", the waiter mumbles but loud enough for me to hear....

"I what?", I asked as I gave him a questioned look.

"Uh, nothing just....nothing", he said and smiled awkwardly.

"You probably should apologize for scaring me", I said.

"Why should I? It's just a small matter", he replied.

"It's not! If I got a heart attack and died, you never have a chance to apologize, I will never forgive you until I die!", I squealed.

"Fine, but with one condition....", he said making me sigh and raise my eyebrows.

"Give me your number", he said making me look at him disbelief.

"What? Why should I?", I rolled my eyes

"If that's it then...why should I apologize?", he said making my blood boiled.

"I will take the CCTV footage of you earlier and give it to your friends", he smirked.

He have a handsome face but sadly, he always teases people.....I don't want them to know about it!

"Ugh fine! Give your phone, I'm Nara", I said as he smiled and took out his phone.

"Cute name, I'm Chanyeol. By the way, your number okay? Not your dad, mom, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, cousin, nephew, boss, boyfriend, girlfriend, husba--", I cut off his sentence.

"Yea, yea okay! I'm not married yet!", I gave him his phone and brushes my hair off before walking towards the exit.

Everyone had finished their work so as enhypen. I walked towards enhypen's table.

"How's today?", I asked while stacking all the plates at one spot.

"Exhausting....can't wait to sleep at the bus....", Ni-ki said making everyone chuckled.

"Nara what took you so long at the restroom?", Heeseung asked.

"Well, had some business in there haha....I'll get this plate", I said and takes all the plate. While I was about to turn around, a figure stopped me. It's that tall giraffe named Chanyeol.

"Hey it's me again, Chanyeol. Why is this pretty girl wearing pretty outfit taking all these dirty plates? Let me help you", he said. I was about to say no until he snatched it from my hands.

He gave the plates to one of the waiter and came back making me sigh.

"I want to chat with you guys more but unfortunately I'm busy....hmm....Nara don't forget to call me okay?", he said and winked before walking away. I freeze, well not gonna lie his wink makes me tempted....

"Who is he Nara?", Jay asked.

"U-Uh...I don't know...maybe just some weirdo waiter", I fakely smiled and sat on the empty seat.

Unbeknownst to me...a pair of eyes looked at me with full of jealousy....

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