Chapter 41

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Author's pov

All the enhypen members went towards the meeting room to meet the manager. They waited for a few minutes until the manager arrives. All of them greet him and sat back on their seats.

"Okay, you guys must be wondering why I told you to come here right? Well there's an exciting news!", the manager said as enhypen became curious and couldn't wait for the manager to tell them the news.

"Well, you're going to have your first world tour at Malaysia!", he said as enhypen cheered in excitement.

"Do you guys know where malaysia is?", he asked.

"I do! I've been there before! The places there are beautiful, especially the KLCC twin towers!", Jay said.

"Wow I've never been there before, we're going to have our first world tour yes! I've always wanted to have our own concert", Niki said.

"When is it?", Heeseung asked.

"Next week, make sure to get ready early okay so we don't need to rush that day", the manager answered.

"Okay that's all, you all could leave now, but Heeseung, you stay here I need to talk to you", the manager said making Heeseung confused and nodded.

All of them walked out as Heeseung sat besides the manager.

"Ermm, what's her name I forgot-oh Nara. Um Heeseung, I want to ask you something, do you have any relationship with a makeup artist named Nara?", the manager asked as Heeseung gulped.

"W-what?", he stuttered.

"Just tell me, I'm not mad just curious about it", the manager said.

"U-um okay.....the truth is....Nara and I liked each other....I'm sorry if I break any rules or-", without finishing his words, the manager cuts him off.

"Break any rules? Not at all, there's no rules saying 'never fall in love'. Perhaps, you two aren't a couple right?", the manager said.

"Um...Is it wrong?", Heeseung said.

"No it's not....but the important thing is to keep it private, just let us the only one who knows this which means your other members, me and your closest ones, never expose on social media", the manager explained.

" it's okay.....?", Heeseung asked.

"Yeah it's okay, well I ship you both though, never disappoint me okay", he chuckled as Heeseung laughed nervously.

"By the way, is it okay if we follow Nara to the hospital? We need to arrange her friend's funeral. You know her right? Jiyeon, she used to work here", Heeseung said.

"Jiyeon...? Oh Jiyeon! Yes I know her.....I didn't expect it to happen.....she's such a nice girl....", said the manager.

"She died at a young age just because of the selfish bullies. They're not just bullies now, they are killers". Heeseung said.

"Okay manager-nim. So....can we go?", Heeseung asked again.

"Oh yeah sure, why not", the manager smiled and nodded.

"Thank you manager-nim!", Heeseung said as he bows respectfully.

"Okay you can go now, and remember.....tell the one that you trust only....", the manager said as Heeseung nodded and walked out from the meeting room.

He's never have been this happy before. Manager-nim approves about his feelings towards her. Heeseung went towards the other members who's talking with someone. They're talking with Nara.

"Oh Nara, are you feeling well now?", Heeseung asked.

"Yes I am, and I'm ready to go to the hospital", Nara replied.

"Oh okay, I had asked manager-nim about it and he said we can go there, we'll get things ready and call the bodyguards", Heeseung said as everyone separate from each other to get their things. There's only Heeseung and Nara.

"U-uh.....", Nara looked down embarrassed.

It was an awkward silence until Heesueng broke it.

"Nara....may I ask you something?", Heeseung asked.

"Oh s-sure", she replied.

"'s about do you feel about me?", Heeseung asked making Nara nervous.

"What do you mean?", Nara acted innocent.

"I'm you really love me?", Heeseung asked again. Nara became more nervous and sweaty. She didn't know how to react.

"'re r-right...", she said, trying to hide her red cheeks.

"Well if that's it.....", Heeseung steps closer to Nara. Their eyes met. They stared at each other before Heeseung breaks it.

"If you really love me....and promise that you'll always be by my side then....", Heeseung said, as Nara nervously waiting for him to continue.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

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