Chapter 33

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Nara's pov

I locked myself in my room while hugging my knees. I didn't cry because I knew it was my fault. Now Yeonsang is mad at me....I will no longer see them.....they're the only true friends I have....Heeseung did nothing wrong....

I can't come to work today, thank god there's no event by now. I don't know why I have a strange feeling about Heeseung, everytime I was in my thoughts...he always coming through my mind which will make me go it....what love meant?

Suddenly the door opens, revealing worried mom and dad.

"Sweetie....are you okay?", mom asked.

"I'm okay mom", I answered.

"I think what Yeonsang does is wrong, he shouldn't yell at you on public....why is he being overprotective for.....", said dad with a soft voice.

"Mom and dad will help you okay, we knew it was an accident, you even promised Yeonsang that you wont touch them right? I know my Nara won't break her promise", mom said making me tear up.

"Thank you mom, dad", I hugged them both as they hugged me back.


Yeonsang's pov

"Did you seriously yelled at her in front of everyone? Please, this isn't you", Aunt Chae said after leaving the place.

"Yes I did, but there was a reason! She shouldn't touch other man. She promised us yesterday right?", I said.

"Yeonsang, I think you're being too overprotective, poor Nara, she never had her own freedom", she said making me look at her disbelief.

"Freedom? Freedom for her to touch other mens? Until she forgets who she is and become a prostitute!?", I yelled.


"How could you say that? I know a girl like Nara would never do that! You're being overthinking.....*sigh* I don't wanna fight you, let's end this conversation and discuss at home", she continued.

I was doing a good thing....

Is it wrong?


Meanwhile Jiyeon's pov

I hold back the pain after being kicked by Aera. She will never stops....I begged her for almost a week to stop disturbing me.....

"I give you one last chance.....tell me.....WHERE DO NARA LIVE?!"Aera pulled my hair caused me to groan in pain.

"I'm......n-not telling you want from her?", I said weakly.

"Oh....if that's it.......UGH!", she kicked my stomach caused blood to come out from my mouth.

"Tell me.....or you die...."


Back to Nara's pov

I took a glance towards the window. Mom and dad went out for dinner. They asked if I wanted to come but I'd rather rest and stay at my room. Suddenly my phone beeped. It's a message from mom.

Mom: Hey sweetie, just want to make sure you're okay. If you want to go out, can you send me your live location? It's about to rain and I'm afraid if something bad happens to you. Well you know, Yeonsang usually accompany you when I'm gone. It's okay, I hope you guys get along soon....

Me: Me too. I don't to argue with him..... okay I'll send it, maybe I will take some fresh air outside if I'm too bored here.....*live location*

Mom: okay thank you, bye love you

Me: love you too mom.

I put my phone at my nightstand as it started to rain. I sighed and walked downstairs. I grabbed some cheese crackers from the cabinet and sat on the sofa. As I was eating, I felt uncomfortable. I felt like I'm not in a safe zone. But I think it's just about what happened at the backstage. I'm stressed about the incident.

I grabbed my watch and wore it. The watch is connected with my phone so it's easier for me to read messages. I walked to the kitchen to have a glass of warm water. Then, my watch beeped, its a message from Jiyeon.

Jiyeon: Hey Nara....I'm coming over your house okay!

Well....that is weird....but why so sudden? I kind of have a bad feeling about this. It's raining's dangerous if she come in this hour. I didn't get to respond to the message when the doorbell rang. That must be Jiyeon.

"Coming", I mumbled and ran towards the front door.

As soon as I opened the door. I figure stands weakly in front of me. Jiyeon's face....has bloods and bruises.

"Who did this to you oh my god!", I panicked and bring her inside.

"Sorry Nara"

That's the last thing I heard before everything went black.....

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