Chapter 1 Part 1: My Turn to Die

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Hey there. Guess I don't have to introduce myself, huh? I get that this is probably confusing, seeing yourself like this.

Guess I should start from the beginning.

My name is Rantaro Amami, but I bet you already knew that. I'm the sole survivor of the 52nd killing game, and I've been a "hot topic" for the last month and a half.

But I can't say I'm proud of it.

The female newscaster says her words clear and brisk. "Breaking News! Detectives uncovered shocking evidence in light of Team Danganronpa's idea of the Ultimate Real Fiction!"

I'm in the middle of eating breakfast when I look at the TV screen. "It's unclear when TDR decided to start the Ultimate Real Fiction, but new evidence such as pre-recorded audition tapes demonstrate how Rantaro Amami willingly signed up for the 52nd season of Danganron—!"

The tv flashes off.

I look at my father who grabbed the remote and pressed the button. He shook his head. "Just ignore it," he says. "It's not your fault. Don't let it get to you."

I pout at his words. He's right, but easier said than done. I don't even remember auditioning for Danganronpa in the first place.

The thought makes me cringe.

I turn away from his soft gaze. "I'm sorry, but..." My voice trails off, that pang of guilt and confusion washes over me. "I don't remember signing up. That's my truth."

My father throws the remote on the couch. "I believe you," he says, tone all full of reassurance. "No one in their right mind would sign-up for a killing game. I refuse to believe that video."

I sigh heavily. "But the evidence is clear as day," We both heard the newscaster explain it. How can I deny such proof? "I saw it for myself."


I don't know what to think anymore. Was I crazy enough to audition for a killing game? That's what makes this whole thing hard to swallow. I survived a game about life and death.

It's no joke.

There were 16 of us, yet I was the only one who managed to escape and survive. Though I don't know what happened at the last class trial. My memories are hazy, and it's been a month since the ordeal.

Myself and another contestant sacrificed ourselves in order to let hope win. It was expected that two of us would be punished in return, but something happened and I found myself back in the outside world.

I was no longer trapped in the domain of the killing game. I was... set free?

Apparently, a passerby noticed me lying unconscious on the side of the road. He called an ambulance and I woke up at the hospital. After regaining consciousness, I told nurses Team Danganronpa forced me to participate in a killing game. Haha... The nurses thought I was crazy. They didn't believe me at first.

But after some convincing, they called police and I was interrogated by detectives. Eventually, they came to the conclusion that I managed to escape somehow and someway.

And as a result...

Danganronpa was put to an end. All the employees were arrested. For good.

The scandal took the whole nation by surprise. Danganronpa was a popular tv show, but everyone had the understanding it was "fictional" and "fake" for the sake of entertainment purposes.

But it was a sick lie that went on for 52 seasons.

For many years, Team Danganronpa used their system called the Ultimate Real Fiction. Normal, talentless, everyday high schoolers, gave their consent to turn into fictional "Ultimates." I apparently consented to have a flashback light used on me, and I became the Ultimate Adventurer.

Yeah, I know. It's just pure cringe.

But according to detectives, our Ultimate talents were based on our real hobbies and real-life backstories. But at the same time, TDR caused some serious memory loss.

And as I said...

I don't remember filming an audition video. It's hard to swallow, my head hurts thinking about it. What is true and what is... false?

"Hey, cheer up. Look at me, son." My father takes steps towards me and once I meet his comforting eyes, he says, "I believe you."

He rests his hand on my shoulder. "I know my son wouldn't give his life to participate in a death game."


I can't even trust myself.

He smiles. "Not when you're determined to reunite with your sister again." He squeezes my shoulder before walking toward the coat rack. Grabbing his favorite snazzy work jacket, he puts on the jacket he just loves to wear. "I don't need to remind you about your goal, right?"

"Yeah, that's true..." My father is right, but I wonder if he's disappointed.

He's been so understanding hearing how I 'willingly signed up,' but I guess he refuses to believe I would 'sign up' in the first place. He comes to my defense and I appreciate it, but I feel like a bad son at the end of the day.

"You got me, pops. Thank you."

My signature eye-smile strikes in an attempt to lessen his concern. "Anyway, I'll be on my way to school." I get up from the dining chair and grab my bookbag.

"Actually, I have work today," he says. "I'll give you a car ride."

"C—Car ride?"

At the sound of his offer, I rub the back of my head. Shouldn't he know me by now? "Ride as in... car ride?"


"Come on pops, you know I don't like cars!" I let out a strained laugh, but my father sighs.

"Even so, I don't want you swarmed by those annoying journalists."

I shrug both shoulders. "I know you're worried, but it's been that same journalist who keeps bothering me. After speaking to him a couple of times... I find him pretty harmless, you know?"

He puts his hands on his hips, looking troubled and concerned for my well being. "You've been through so much."


It hurts. My father is happy that I'm alive, but he's been more protective than usual. When I went missing, I nearly gave him a heart attack. Losing my sister years ago was hard on the family, so I can't help but feel like a bad son for making him worry about me.

"The last thing I want is for you to be pestered with ridiculous questions—"

I grip his shoulders, giving him a nice shake. Forcing a smile even though the situation is heavy. "I'll be okay. I'm stronger than you think."

"Alright..." he replies.

My father tussles my green hair, messing with the two green strands that stick out on the top of my head. "Just be careful," and he sends me off.

"Alright pops! See ya later!" I wave goodbye and exit the house. A bright smile plasters on his face.

But little did I know, that was the last time I would see him.

...Rantaro x Yttd...

((I have a cool story idea that would
explain how he got involved in the Death Game by Majority. You got to keep reading to figure out the suspense. I swear it gets good).

Sincerely, xNonentity.

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