Chapter 4 - You Mr. High

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"Jessy, what's wrong?" I asked him as I noticed he was walking funny, all slumped over like he was half asleep.

    "Nothing," he giggled and continued 'walking'.

    "Jesse, are you...high?" I gasped out, that evil grandma did put something in the pie!

    "What? Nope, no, nopers," he cheered, happily. Yeah, he was definitely high on something. Evil grandma lady drugged him! "Look! It's Santa Claus!" he screamed excitedly as he pointed to a bird that was flying by. A bird, great he was delusional.

    "That's a bird," I informed him, studying his actions closely. Just in case he was about explode the red stuff that was in the pie, or something like that. Jessy began skipping into the field, screaming his lungs out with Christmas carols. 
    I would have normally been angry at him for being so stupid and crazy, but this was just hilarious. I followed after Jesse, with a safe distance as he flapped his arms like a bird. Chewie continued after me, clucking with the tune of Jessy's singing.

    "Hey, did you ever hear a song called Put a Banana in Your Ear?" he asked in a sing song voice, sitting on the grass and started making well...grass angels.

    "Well, no?" I looked at him confused. What a stupid name for a song, did he just make it up? Or something...

    "Do you want to hear it?" he beamed at me, happily. He jumped up and started to do what looked something like dancing.

    "Well, not really, er-" I began only to be cut off by Jesse... AGAIN!

    "TOO BAD!!!" he shouted and started to sing, "Charlie you look quite down

    With your big sad eyes

    And your big fat frown

    The world doesn't have to be so gray

    Charlie when your life's a mess

    When you're feeling blue

    Or are in distress

    I know what can wipe that sad away."

    "Dude, I thought we'd agree to call me Dudette, remember?" I plopped down on the ground as he continued to sing like a maniac.

    "All you have to do is

    Put a banana in your ear 

    Put a ripe banana right into your favorite ear

    It's true! So true!

    Once it's in, your gloom will disappear

    The bad in the world is hard to hear

    When in your ear a banana cheers

    So go and put a banana in your earrrrrrrrr!!" he finished, breathing hard and sat down next to me. Jesse gave me an expectant look, waiting for me to tell him what I thought.

    "That was very...uh...different?" I stared at him. Honestly, I have no idea of what just happened here.

    We spent the rest of the afternoon talking, well, he babbled on about things. Jessy was delusional still, of course. He also talked to my chicken, but I couldn't blame him there. Jessy also started singing again, ruffling my hair once and a while, until he passed out and I was exhausted. We fell asleep.


Ok so the song is on the side bar, it's from charlie the unicorn I thought it would be good because it was for people who are high. Any ways thank you so much for reading :) I know it's short, sorry about that.

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