Chapter 22 - I Can't Believe It!

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            In the house, we all sat down around the tree, facing the TV. The tree was so beautiful, it felt like Christmas and then...

            "DUDE! Jersey Shore is on, turn on the TV!" Scott screamed, grabbing the remote.

            "Oh, hell no! If we are going watch anything, it's Family Guy," Jessy ripped the controller out of Scott's hands.

            "That's so inappropriate for children. Now turn that shit off!" he commanded, rudely.

            "Okay, task four! Wishes...!" Sunday smiled, ignoring the profanities being shot in between Scott and Jessy, but I guess she couldn't take it anymore, "Both of you! Separate, no swearing! If one more person says anything even a little bit rude, they will be sent to their room!"

            "Out loud?" I asked, referring to her first comment.

            "Yes, out loud, why don't you start first?" she smiled, coming back to the tasks. I smiled back and put myself in a praying position.

            "I wish for..." I trailed off, saying the last part, my wish, silently.

            "For what?" Scott asked.

            "For..." I said, trailing off into a silent wish again.

            "I didn't know there was a way to fail this task, but you did," Katty laughed, mocking me.

            "Katty, why don't you go next?" Sunday coughed, trying to avoid the fact that she was laughing as well. She stood in silence, thinking. I knew this was going to be so fake, because if Katty wasn't in front of everyone, she would have probably wish to take over the world or for me to be dead.

            She made herself into the most comfortable, correct position.

            "I wish for world peace, and snow...white snow," she smiled, sugar sweetly trying to portray pure innocence which made me want to barf. She was going to continue when a patch of white covered the window.

            Oh, what the hell?! For reals? In Kansas, is this like a childish Disney movie? Scott was the first to jump up and out the door, jumping at the snow forming outside on the lawn.

            He opened his mouth, looking up and opened his mouth to catch snow on his tongue. He spun around, in slow motion. How cheesy.

            Suddenly he started coughing. Sunday ran up to him, engulfing him into a hug.

            "Are you okay?" Sunday asked, looking at him, worriedly. He rubbed his 'snow' covered fingers together but his hands were black.

            "Oh, wait, it's only ashes..." Scott said, and rushed back into the house with Sunday, to grab a glass of water I assumed.

            Jessy put his arm over Katty's shoulders, as they watched the ash fall from the porch. Sunday was inside, looking over Scott and April and Ryan...well Rayn was making an ash angel.

            I stood in the middle of the porch, grabbing my arm. I squinted out into the distance.

            Oh, there was Justin outside, looking at me, hugging some weird dude. He waved to me and skipped up to the porch.

            "Hey! Do you live here?" Justin chirped, happily.

            "Nope, visiting."

            "Oh, by the way, this is Dustin," Justin gestured to the other guy beside him. I shook his hand.

            "We are guys," he smiled.

            "Good to know...?" I replied, weirded out.

            "He's special," Justin whispered to me and I nodded, understandingly...kind of.

            "Ooh! Another dude!" Dustin screamed and ran over to Ryan, and started to make ash angels with him.

            "So, how long are you staying for?" Justin asked.

            Until Jessy stuffs me into the car again, I thought, but instead said, "I'm not sure yet, one day I'm here, the other day I might randomly disappear." Literally.

            "What about he staying, for like...ever, right?" he looked down, nervously.

            "No me, Jessy..." I coughed "sadly" and cleared my throat noisily, "Katty go in a group," I gave him a small smile.

"Gift time, guys!" Sunday yelled from the window.

"Want to come?" I asked, looking at the house.

"Nah, we got to get some gifts of our own," he smirked and we both waved goodbye as we left.

In the house, there were piles of presents, suddenly under the tree.

"Ryan, put on the Santa hat," Scott took the hat and pulled it over his head.

Ryan grabbed the first shiny, yellow present.

"To: Scott. From: Santa," he read.

"Ha! Yeah, right, I know it was either you or mom," Scott laughed and unwrapped the gift with a big smile. There was another box underneath that one and he opened that one, it was box after another box...

Approximately twenty boxes...

"I see something!" he peeked through the lid of the last box and pulled coal out. "Santa is a Di-"

"SCOTT!" Sudnay yelled, with a murderous expression.

"Different guy from all the rest. God mother, you have a dirty, dirty mind," Scott tsked at her.

"Next! To: Jessy. From: Katty," Ryan handed it to Jessy. It had a whole bunch of kissy marks all over it. Jessy shook it, but it was light and didn't make a sound.

He opened it, "A scarf!" Jessy shouted, in fake enthusiasm. Katty, Jessy is a guy, buy him an XBox game or an Airsoft gun! I thought, rudely to her, even though she wouldn't be able to hear me. Hopefully. That would be creepy if she could...

"To: Violet. From: Katty," Ryan handed me a rather large envelope. Oh great! What is this going to be? I slowly opened the car to see; "I *moustache* you a question. What do you want for Christmas?" I read the front of the car. I responded in my mind; For you to go to hell!

I opened the envelope and a voucher of some sort fell out. First, I read the message on the car, "Merry Christmas! I hope this is what you wanted!" The card said in Ariel print, but then there was a part written in pen.

"Dear Violet,

I'm so glad we became 'friends', though I won the real prize. To make you feel better, | got you this present. I hope you have a wonderful, fantabulous Christmas!" I read to myself, and looked at the voucher thing that fell on the ground. "L.A. CALIFORNIA - DECEMBER 26 - 7:00PM."

My eyes could never have gone possibly wider than they had been at that moment. 

"THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" I squealed happily, hugging her fiercely. "I'm going to see my mom!" I exclaimed, while Jessy frowned down at the voucher. "Why are you so sad?" I asked him.

"It's one ticket, for one person; meaning only you," Jessy replied, looking down sadly. 

______________________________ Ooooooooo Shocker. Im sad my dogs daughter is leaving tommorow and I became to atached. Can you guys respond these questions? 1) What do you want to happen? 2) What do you think will happen? 3) Which was the best chapter and te worst?

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