Chapter 18 - Mall Trip

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We eventually finished our carolling and started heading out again around 3 PM.

There were still four things we had to do for Christmas and I was rather scared. Especially since the first one was Katty and I dressing up as elves.

"So what's the second thing?" I asked, walking to the car and plopped myself in the middle of the backseat.

"They're tasks," Sunday corrected me.

"For what? They are ridiculous!" Katty complained, crossing her arms to keep herself warm. We were ignored for a few minutes, until Ryan pulled into the parking lot of the mall.

Thank God he gave us some time to change before we went in there. No way were we going in there with elf costumes on, unless some little kid asked for photos.

The wind blew past us and I shivered. Man, it was cold, so I grabbed a random Domo jacket that was resting on the seat.

"Wow, what's with the happy piece of crap jacket?" Jessy looked at the jacket, disgustedly.

"Domo is not a piece of crap, it's a jacket!" Scott snapped at him.

"Can I use it? Pretty please, with whip cream and a cherry on top?" I begged, using my puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah, sure," he replied and we walked towards the mall and entered through the sliding doors.

I looked around me and realized that I was by myself now. They had run off in their separate directions.

Just great, this is perfect. Sarcasm intended.

What's the next task? A Koalabear family and Miss Freak Show scavenger hunt?

I looked like an idiot just standing there by the entrance by myself, so I went scouting for some Koalabear's. Hoping to find someone, I looked around nervously. I stuffed my hands inside the jacket's pockets, my hand felt some paper. I pulled it out and found twenty dollars. Ooh, maybe they're in the food court?

I smiled deviously.

I skipped towards the food court and when I arrived, the Dunken Doughnut's sign lit up. Huh! It's a sign I should go there...literally.

I tried to contain my excitement as I stood fifth in line.

Holy Jizz! It's Billy Mays!

The guy from the Oxi Limpia (Oxi Clean). I tried to calm myself so I wouldn't freak out on him but I couldn't, so I tapped on his shoulder.

"Are you Billy Mays?" I screamed, making the nearby people look at me weirdly.

"" the guy looked confused.

"Yes! Yes, you are!" I gave him my hugest smile. The crowd that had gathered was looking around, trying to figure out what was happening.

"O-M-G! IT'S BILLY MAYS!" someone yelled.

"OXI CLEAN LEFT MY TOILETS CLEAN!" another one shouted.

"哦,我的上帝,它的比利邁斯它可能無法比利你是我的偶像!我也會有你收養的孩子!" a random Chinese man screamed.

"Billy Mays for president!"

"Guys, Billy Mays is dead," a guy informed everyone. Everyone whined and huffed, walking away.

He's dead?? I never saw anything about him dying!

That's when I realized that I had been in a basement with Spanish T.V. for the past ten years. Of course everything is different now.

It was a total shame.

"I'm Dave, can you help me? I'm going to buy some food for my puppy. Could you help me carry it all? After you can play with him, he's in my can," he shakes my hand wildly.

Ha! I'm not falling for something like that again!

"No thanks, I just want my doughnut," I told him and bought my doughnut.

I walked out of the line and bumped into someone. I looked up and my eyes widened as I gasped.


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