Chapter Nine

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Kagami's POV:

Yesterday, I became a pure monster. I just can't control my emotions whenever Chloe is around. How I wish this blackmailing would end! I wore something comfortable. I'm still feeling tired. I wore an oversized black sweatshirt, gray sweatpants, and an old pair of sneakers I had laying around.

Amilia shouted, "Kagami, come downstairs!" I headed downstairs after seeing Amilia place a bowl on the table. It was oatmeal with various types of fruits. I took a bite of the oatmeal and I complimented Amalia, "It tastes so good." She smiled and said, "Why, thank you." She continued, "Kagami, your mother is coming home today." The spoon dropped from my fingers, and I stuttered, "R-Really?" Amilia nodded, "Yes, she may be home around afternoon or evening."

I smiled slightly. I'm glad she had a safe trip to Japan, and now she's finally coming home! The only downside is that I have gotten used to the relaxing environment of the household. I happily said, "I'm going to make her her favorite dessert after school."

I headed to the self-driving car after arriving at school. I was greeted by Adrien with "Good morning." I asked, "What's with the gloomy face?" He complained, "Nino isn't talking to me because of Alya; it's been lonely." I shrugged. "Want to apologize to Alya, or at least make an agreement with her?"

He said, "Yeah." We both headed to class, but seeing Alya all dreary made me feel bad. I went to my seat, but I was approached by Chloe. I heavily sighed, "What do you want now?" She slowly chuckled, "You remember our deal, right?" "I hope you're keeping your compliance."

I harshly said, "I don't have the time or the need to be with Adrien, to be honest. Isn't it pathetic to ask your crush's ex to learn more about him?" She ordered, "You keep your mouth shut! I have all the pictures to blackmail you; don't get cocky with me." I grumbled, "Whatever." She flipped her hair and smiled, saying, "Just do as you're told, or you know what's going to happen."

I balled my fist, but knowing that getting angry is just going to please her and Hawkmoth, I need to stay calm. The bell rang, everyone went to their seats, and silence took over the room. Miss. Bustier entered the room and announced, "Good morning everyone, please take out your English textbooks and read pages 54-67, then complete the worksheet I'll be giving you in a moment."

After Miss Bustier handed out the worksheets, I started doing my work until Adrien came up to me and whispered, "Are you gay?" I shook my head and laughed. "No, but do you usually ask questions like that?" He stuttered, "N-No!" I just wanted to know."

I asked, "Are you gay by any chance?" His face turned red, and he grumbled, "I like only girls!" Yeah, I'm straight." I tried not to laugh at his rambling. I told him, "Do you actually need something, or do you want to bother me?"

He said, "I need some advice, but I don't want to talk about it here. Could you come over to my place at 5:30pm?" I replied, "Sure." He beamed, "Thank you!" I smiled and said, "Would you like to sit next to me? You seem lonely over there." He nodded, "Yeah."

He moved his stuff and sat next to me. I could see Chloe glare at me, but why do girls fight over Adrien?

I didn't realize I was staring at him, and he awkwardly said, "Kagami, you keep staring at me?"

I apologized, "Sorry, I must have spaced out." He nodded, "I see." Time went by quickly. Honestly, it was all a blur of doing class work, participating for a grade, and, of course, working with other people.

I haven't heard from Marinette all day. She would have texted me. Is she not feeling well? The teacher handed me a work folder to give her, but I've been afraid to come over.

I arrived home when Amilia asked, "What are you going to make for your mother?" I said, "Mitarashi Dango." She smiled and said, "Fantastic! Let me help you." We both gathered the ingredients and started to make it.

We're finished now. I made green tea for her. I went to my room and texted Adrien.

Kagami 4:30pm
'Hey, I was wondering if I could come over earlier.'

Adrien 4:36pm

'Yeah, that's fine.'

Kagami 4:37pm
'I'll be there soon.'

Adrien 4:39pm

I kept my original outfit since it's going to be a quick chat. I went downstairs and asked Amilia, "May I go to Adrien's house?" She nodded. "Sure, but don't stay there too late." I waved her goodbye as I exited the door.

I walked to Adrien's house and rang the doorbell. A little camera came out of the mailbox, and a voice coming from the speaker asked, "Good afternoon, Kagami." "How may I help you?" I smiled, "Good afternoon, Nathalie. I'm here to help Adrien study for an upcoming exam."

The camera went away, then the gates opened. I walked into the home, heading upstairs to Adrien's room. I knocked on the door, and he opened it and said, "Glad you could make it in."

I took off my sneakers and put them aside. I laid on his bed and asked, "What did you want to talk about?" He laid down beside me and sighed, "How do you know if you like the opposite gender?" I softly said, "When you're thinking of them often, everything they do just seems flawless; the way they laugh, smile, or do their passions makes you admire them."

He quietly said, "Woah." He smiled at me and said, "I guess you like someone as well." I slightly chuckled. "I do, but how do you feel now?" I looked at him, and his cheeks turned a soft pink. He said happily, "I think I like them."

I replied, "That's great." He rambled, "Do I ask them out? Wait, how do I figure out my sexuality? Another thing: did you ever love me? Also, do I send them flowers?" I laughed, "Slow down!" "You're taking things too fast; take baby steps; you'll figure things out with time."

I continued, "I did love you, Adrien, but it wasn't true love; it was mostly infatuation back then. I thought you were perfect, and I had to be perfect so I could please my mother, but don't get me wrong, you're the best thing I could ever ask for."

Adrien hugged me and gently said, "Me too. Even though we have our differences, we're still friends." I nodded, "Of course."

My phone began ringing. It was Amilia. I went to the other side of the room to answer.

"Kagami, your mother is coming home soon. I need you back home."


"Of course I'll be there soon."



The call ended. I apologized, "Sorry, Adrien, but I have to go." He said, "It's fine. I'll see you tomorrow." I left Adrien's home, and I started to sprint as fast as I could. Arriving home, I was heavily breathing. Amilia asked, "Kagami, were you running?" The only thing I could do was nod.

An hour has passed since my mother didn't come home. Amilia received a phone call after she was done, and she sadly said, "The flight got delayed because of bad weather." I frowned and said, "I understand." I went to my room to change into my pajamas. Tears began flowing down my face. I miss my mother.

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