fruit salad- yummy yummy

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Sam pov

After the groupchat, I went offline and looked up and saw the dumbasses practicing but then

"HATSCHHOO" great. i'm sneezing now.

"DON'T DIE ON US" shouted Yamamoto


"Sam you didn't sneeze your brain out or did you?" Asked kuroo with his shitty grin

"Nah I think her nose is too small to let that happen but hey she is small so like nothing new," Lev said

"She has a brain?" Muttered kenma

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks for asking guys," I said sarcastically.

"your welcome" kenma replied.

I flipped him off and he did the same thing back to me.

"shouldn't you be practicing?" I lifted an eyebrow at him.

"shouldn't you be doing homework?" kuroo then said.

"I am" I turned my binder to show them an empty page with doodles around it. "see"

"dumb motherfuc-" Yamamoto said just as I threw a ball at his head.

"I might've fucked your mom but I am not dumb"

they all looked at me weirdly. I on the other hand, just tried to hold in my laugh.

"what the fuck-" Yamamoto said.

"BACK TO WORK GUYS!!" the coach yelled.

"yeah what the old man said," I said as the boys rolled their eyes at me.

I laughed as I looked at the coach who was already shooting daggers at me.

"Sorry." I say awkwardly. "you know what I'm just gonna... go..."

awkwardly, I grab my things and leave the gym. well, he definitely doesn't like me now.

I roam around the empty halls with a couple of students from clubs and teachers staying to finish grading tests passing by. I lightly bop my head to the song that was playing; Lotta True Crime by Penelope Scott.

I make my way outside and find a vending machine to get some snacks from. I got some coffee and milk bread.

(ToRu OiKaWa'S fAvOrItE fOoD iS mIlk BrEaD. HiS pErSoNaL mOtTo Is If YoUr GoNnA hIt It, HiT iT 'tIl It BrEaKs. I'm so sorry) - imightbedepressed

I grab my things and head to the rooftop to eat my stuff. a lot of the students were heading home. the only ones left were on sports teams like baseball, volleyball, basketball, and track team.

what club do I do, you may ask?


don't really want to, and all the ones that the school has are pretty boring.

kuroo tried to get me to be manager, but I decline every single time. they already have one so why do they need another?

and yes, I know it's kind of mandatory to participate in a club before graduation.

but I just haven't found one that piqued my interest yet.

I eat my bread as the song switched to 'Je te lasserai des mots by Patrick Watson'. which basically means: I'd leave you some words.

cute I guess.

I'm not a very 'deep' person. don't really care for that kinda stuff. honestly, I find myself pretty boring.

I already finished my coffee and I was just munching on the rest of my bread while looking at the orange cloud slowly move. I look at my watch.

an hour and a half until the boys finish.

guess I should actually do my homework then. I text kuroo saying that I'll be on the roof when they're done and go work on my homework straight away.

that was partially a lie-

I did two pages and gave up. now I'm scrolling on instagram:).

And yeah I regretted it.

(Dude wtf was that) - 

suddenly, I hear the metal doors swing open and kuroo very loud and obnoxious voice. I look over to the door and see none other than my two best friends. kuroo and kenma.


"Shut up Kuro. you're too loud" kenma said.

"Yea what he said"

Kuroo started sulking as we made our way back down and to the schools' exit.

eventually, we all agreed on a sleepover and made our way to kenma's house. I didn't really need to bring anything extra, since kenma and kuroo's houses are basically my two other homes. I even have my own drawer and toothbrush at their houses.


"hello ms. kozume" both me and kuroo greeted kenma's mother.

"ahh kuroo-kun and Sam-chan!! so nice to see you two again. you guys are sleeping over?"

"yep! sure are" kuroo said.

"sweet! I'll make some pie for you guys." she smiled as we started making our way to kenma's room.

"sam-chan" she called my name out.

"yes" I walk back to where she was.

"how's it going with your father, sweetie?" she said in a comfortable tone.

"meh. still a yelling asshole"

"Are you safe at home?"

"Yeah. he's not home most of the time and I don't think he has the guts to hurt me physically" I sighed.

"Alright just making sure. if anything bad happens, you are always welcomed here. we are your second family and I see you as my daughter. so don't hesitate to reach out" she smiled.

(She reminds me of my best friend's mom) - 

"thank you." I returned the smile before going into kenma's room where I saw them making themselves comfortable on the floor.

"about time. we're gonna watch a show" kenma said.

"k let me change first" I walked over to my drawer and pulled out some shorts and hoodie that kuroo gave me a while ago in the fall.

I walked into the bathroom and quickly changed. when I got back out, blankets and pillows were spread out on the floor in front of kenma's TV.

"aight move over boys, I wanna be in the middle," I say as they chuckle and make room for me in the middle.

they start the show Squid Game and I cover myself in the blanket we all shared. I lay my head on kuroo's shoulder to be more comfortable and watch the thriller shows

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