Getting Closer( Part 2)

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"Eomma, I want to go to sauna with you." Rona tell to her mom Oh Yoon Hee. "Hmm, Suddenly? ''

"Not suddenly as I feel a little tired preparing for the exam and tomorrow is weekend! " "So We both are free, aren't we?"

"Ok,As you wish my baby.Let's hang out tomorrow." "Not only to sauna but also around the town."

" Really! Wow, I am excited already!"

****The next morning****

Oh Yoon Hee's Pov:

"Hurry, Rona yah.We are about to late for the bus."

''Coming! Eomma Let's go."

"Are you ready now?"


They arrive to the penthouse lobby. They're running while holding hands tightly.

"Omo!" " The bus is already gone." Oh Yoon Hee say sadly.

"It's ok Rona -yah.We can go with taxi." "There are a lots of taxis around the city". "Taxi are more convenient than bus, Right? "

"Yes,Mom!" "Let's go."

Shim su ryeon's pov:

"Oh! There she's again,the clumsy girl!" As she sees Oh Yoon Hee from her car.

"Hmm, What happen this time!" "Why is she always in rush?"

" Yoon Hee-ssi" "What are you waiting for?" saying while her stopped near them .

"Oh! I'm waiting for the taxi."
"Well, as today is weekend you can get a ride with me"I will drive to your destination."

"Oh! It's ok.We can wait for taxi."

"Yoon Hee ssi,  If you consider me as a friend,please accept my offer."

"Ok, Thank you."

"So where is your destination ?"

" To the sauna please, pentho-" "Su ryeon Unnie."

" Oh It's great, as I'm tired too I should go to the sauna too."

I think you guys wil be waiting for some lovelines too.Don't worry. Coming Soon.Please enjoy the story.And also please write the review pls.That's my strength.

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