Sorry not sorry

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[Harry's POV]

"And lastly, who here is taken?" The interviewer asked us boys.

Louis gave me a nudge. It was time. Shit.

Louis, Zayn, Liam, and I all raised our hands. Mine was a bit lower than the others for obvious reasons.

"Ah, so Styles, you've got yourself a girlfriend now."

I nodded.

"Well, looks like the directioners can only go for the Irishman now. Lucky them." She winked at Niall.

He awkwardly laughed.

"That's all the time we have today. See you soon." She smiled at the camera and then the red light went off.

I got up and headed backstage. I totally blew off the interview, but I didn't care. I didn't even want to tell the people I was taken. I wasn't ready to give up my single life. And who was Louis telling me to tell her? I groaned and went into the greenroom. About five minutes later the lads came in. Liam looked pissed.

"Cut the attitude, Harry. Didn't Simon's threat mean anything to you?" He asked before grabbing his bag and walking out.

I rolled my eyes. I didn't need this either today.

"Seriously Harry, I thought you might have a heart to change after our coversation." Niall shot and walked out.

"Man, you looked wreaked yesterday and now you're all bad ass again. What's with you? Make up your mind." Zayn shook his head and walked out after Niall.

"Harry?" Louis asked.

"What?" I groaned. "Going to throw another insult my way?"

"Mate, calm down. What happened? Like Zayn said, you looked wreaked yesterday and now you couldn't give a shit about anything." Louis said sitting down next to me.

"I wasn't ready to give up my single life." I said breathing sharply.

"Well, we aren't ready to give up our dream." Louis said back to me.

"Neither am I." I said.

"Then why are you acting this way?" He asked seriously. "Where's the Harry we all know and love."

"He's fucking gone." I shouted.

"Harry." Louis sternly said. "What the hell has gotten into you?"

"Everything. People hating on me, people accusing me of lying to them. I'm sick of it. The fans are starting to hate on me because they know about that bar fight. People just keep hating and telling me what I should and should not be, so I give up. I gave in to peer pressure and did the things people thought I did. I made womanizing player Harry real." I said getting angrier. "So stop asking me what's fucking wrong."

"Why did you never tell me?" Louis inquired.

"Because nothing anyone could have said would have stopped it, I'm done. Bad ass Harry is what they want, so bad ass Harry is what they'll get." I said throwing the door open.

"Then why would you kiss Rebecca?" Louis blurted out.

God that girl has a big mouth.

I stopped at the door way and made said the first thing that popped into my head. "To get her to shut the hell up about my lying to her. That's why."

"I don't get you anymore, Harry. Did you mean anything you apologized for?" He asked suddenly right behind me.

"Hitting her, but that's basically it." I huffed and walked off.

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