It's at the tip of my tongue

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[Rebecca's POV]

It's gotten to the point to whenever I look at him my breath hitches in my throat, and I feel shaky. I don't know why either. My feelings are strong for him and I didn't even know it either. Louis did, but I sure didn't. The past three day's i've tried to think straight. All I can think about is Harry. I've talked to Louis about it and all he does is say 'I told you so.' Some best friend. If I had Sabrina... she'd give me advice, but I don't, so i'm stuck with Louis. Harry's best friend.

Everyone except Zayn are back from vacation. Zayn is with Parrie on tour. He'll be back in a week though. That's when they start work back up. I've been dancing for all three day's. Harry's been pushy. Like, he's the one bringing me to the gym and he's the one making me dance my used to be audition dance over and over again. I don't even know why either. He'd be a great dance couch if he could dance.

I was sitting on my bed with my laptop on my lap looking at pictures of spring break 2012 with Sabrina. I miss her. I don't blame her for sleeping with Reese; he's very seductive. He get's whatever he wants. Plus, our relationship was basically over. I mean, Jenna was the point we were done for. I just fell in love with someone who didn't fall back. I'm finally okay with it, and you know why?


I smiled at the name. That one name that has caused me pain and happiness. That one name that actually shows affection back. Louis say's he feels the same way I feel towards, but.. I don't believe him. Sure, we've kissed a couple.. few times, but well.. he did say he cared about me at Madison Square... I'm just so confused. I don't even know what we even are.. if we're anything other that a fake couple.

Do I want more? I don't know.

I sighed deeply at the pictures I had on here. I smiled. There was one were I was messing with the camera and taking a picture of Sab.

There was one were  Sab was taking a picture of me at the beach.

I laughed. There was one was when we found a stray cat. I'm on the right; her on the left.

Us at the beach.

Her taking a picture of me taking a picture of her.

Her on the beach.

"BEC, I'M HERE!" Harry yelled from downstairs. He called me earlier saying he wanted to take me somewhere today. I don't know.

I didn't answer; I just looked at my background picture I had of Sabrina and I. I missed her so much.

"Bec?" Harry asked walking into me room.

"Oh, hey." I said closing my laptop and scooting off my bed.

"You, alright?" He asked.

I smiled. "Yup, so where is it you wanted to take me?"

His face lit up. "Close your eyes."

I blinked. "Excuse me?"

He chuckled. "Close your eyes, and put this on." he said taking out an eye mask.

"Why?" I asked slowly.

"I have a surprise." He beamed putting the eye mask on me.

"You better not rape me." I said.

He pushed me onto the bed and what I guess hovered over me, because right in front of my face I felt his breath. "Or what?"

I smiled and slapped his shoulder. I hope. "Harry!"

He laughed and helped me back up. " No, I just really have something to show you."

"Okay," I held out my hand. "take me."

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