#18~ Fili

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PROMPT: Personal Fili imagine for Bel_Greenleaf

Erebor was truly the most magnificent place that you had ever stepped foot in; the vaulted ceilings and high pillars stripped you down until all that was left was awe. Its beauty and style was a more than worthy distraction from the crowd of people around you that were making you beyond nervous. Maybe—if you focused on the amazing architecture hard enough—you would completely sink away from the extravagant ball. It didn’t seem like that would work, though.

It wasn’t as if you had the choice of leaving; you were there out of curtesy and curiosity over everything else. Your father was Thranduil after all, and you had to be present at such an important event if he said it to be so. It could have been worse, you thought; Legolas was there as well and he was sort of acting as your crutch. However, you had lost him in the sea of people a few hours before and had desperately trying to find him since then.

The occasion was the Dwarf Prince Fili’s birthday ball; the merriment and liveliness in the room was overpowering. Almost all of the elves that had come were watching giddy dwarves with somewhat disdainful gazes. Dwarves were famous for not caring, though; they danced, laughed, and spoke as if the word was theirs for the night. You so desperately wished that you could be as outgoing as a dwarf; it seemed that the only dwarf quality you had inherited from your mother was the height. Legolas would tease you for it, but it made you a smaller target which was desirable in some cases.

You had seen the Prince earlier in the night when you had first entered Erebor; he seemed like a nice, well put together man who valued the opinions of his subjects to be. He might not have been the most mature of men in his humor, but he definitely held an air of responsibility about him that could draw anyone in. There was also the fact that he was good looking; he and his brother had quite the reputation for their looks in multiple reaches of land.

It would have been hard for Fili to not notice you; you had been introduced upon entering Erebor and he couldn’t help but to stare. He had never seen an elf that was his size and he had been in awe of you before he realized that staring would be rude. All throughout the night, he kept a careful eye on you. He started to recognize your nervous patterns and how you would duck out of a conversation when you became too shy to speak. You were small so you were hard to keep track of, but he had managed it and he wasn’t sorry.

The night was almost halfway through when Fili had had enough of admiring you from afar and decided to approach you. It didn’t go as he quite planned; he had taken his eyes off of where you were for one second in order to greet someone and then—when he looked back—you had disappeared from sight. With a huff and a groan, the young prince searched the crowd as much as he could to try and find your elusive figure again. It wasn’t an easy task.

He had finally gotten to where he had seen you standing at one point and he couldn’t help but to feel hopeless. He had really been hoping to ask you for a dance or even speak to you shortly. He wanted to know if you were as wonderful as he expected you to be. So, he hung his head with the beginnings of a sour mood, and walked aimlessly. Soon, your body collided with him when the people around you both shifted slightly and forced you both to switch the direction in which you were walking.

You collided with a jumble of chaotic apologies before you both looked up to see who your apologies were for. Within a second, your voices were silent and you were staring back at each other with varying degrees of excitement. He fancied himself lucky for finding you; he fancied it even more so when he had a long glimpse at your red eyes and ivory hair. He had never seen such a beautiful pair in his entire time of living. Before he could even stop himself, he was asking for your name and if he could possibly speak with you for longer than what it took to exhale a quick apology.

“Isabellana,” you told him with the smallest of curtseys, under your breath you muttered, “but my father calls me Bel.” Absolutely entranced by your beauty and seemingly sparkling personality, he inquired after whether or not you would dance with him. Soon, you were a part of the group of dancers that were worthy of an Elves’ hard gaze. For once in your life, your closed off and shy impulses were beginning to ebb away. It was the best night of your young life.

You would have never been ready to leave; Fili showed you such a wonderful time and you knew that you had never laughed so much before then. However, the night eventually came to an end. Fili begged you to stay for a short time after most of the people in the party had dispersed. He pulled you aside and asked you to stay with him longer than just after the party; he asked for your hand in marraige right there and then. He had never been so sure of a decision in his life. He knew it was what he wanted to do, and he promised to ask your father for his blessing.

When he had learned that your father was Thranduil, he was slightly dismayed; he knew that the Elven king would be a pain to ask permission of. He was willing to do it nevertheless; he had fallen for your shy and kind personality. He knew that he would want for nothing more in life if he could just have you for his wife. If he had to ask Thranduil over a thousand times he would do it even more just to prove how much it would mean to him.

To both Fili and your surprise, Thranduil was more than accepting of the union. Yes, he had his questions and concerns, but he ended with a happy affirmation.  You even gained a blessing from your brother and it was a reassuring outcome indeed; a happy ending to a happy night.

Wow, I feel like I got a lot done today even though it was only two imagines. Well, I must get off to bed because I am dead tired. This wonderful prompt is dedicated to the wonderful Bel_Greenleaf who requested it. I know that it is short, but I hope that you enjoyed it J


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