#10~ Legolas

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PROMPT: A Legolas one.

There was something about the Elvish prince that made your heart flutter every time you saw him. Whether it was his flowing, long, and silver hair or the way that he could move so gracefully through a room was beyond you. All you knew was that, when you had fallen for him, you had fallen hard.

 There were seldom few things in this world that could get you off task, and he was one of them. There were more than a handful of times where you had been working or talking with Thandruil and then he would walk by. The mere action would send your mind into a haze of different day dreams and thoughts which would soon make you stumble over something. On the days that you were lucky, he wouldn’t see you clumsily tripping over something.

 Thandruil had encouraged you to talk to him so many times that it was impossible to count, but you could never seem to find the courage. He was a prince, after all; would he say to an ordinary girl like you? Your worst fear was that he would mock you, and that all those things that the others said about him being a complete jerk would start to shine through. So, you kept a safe distance away from him to ensure that your feelings would remain intact.

 One day, as you had been walking across one of the many bridges in the place you called home, you had the misfortune of seeing him walking by. Like always, you stumbled a little while you walked, and the contents in the basket that you were holding tumbled to the ground in front of you. Your cheeks had burned red-a rather stark contrast to your normally pale skin-and you plopped onto your hands and knees in order to retrieve the things quickly.

 Another hand was picking up the scattered objects along with you, and they placed the things back into the basket gently. You muttered an apology for being so clumsy with the basket, and then a thank you in order to express your gratitude for their help. However, when they chuckled and you looked up at them, you soon felt the air get forced out of your lungs.

 “Perhaps I should help you with the basket,” he smiled once his soft laugh had subsided. You were gob smacked for a fraction of a second.

 “Oh, no, you don’t have to worry about that, sir,” you rushed out and gathered the rest of the things into the basket before lifting it off of the ground.

 “I insist,” he offered another warm smile while he held his hands out for the basket and you hesitantly handed it over to him. Just like always, his graceful movements kicked in and he had one hand wrapped around the basket while the other rested ever so slightly on the small of your back. You tried-and failed-to gain control of your rapidly beating heart as you two walked. “Thandruil has told me a lot about you, [Y/N],” he started suddenly, and you could already feel your cheeks heating up again.

 “He has?” you wondered while you tried to not sound too embarrassed.

“Yes,” all too quickly you were at your destination, and a smirk made its way onto Legolas’ lips when he regarded you this time. While he handed the basket back to you, he drew in a small breath and continued, “And I hope to see more of you soon.”

 Woohoo, another update for tonight! Like I think I said before, I am going to try to get as many as I can done tonight J


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