So Called Dad

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Dedicate to that so called , supposed 2 be, once upon a time Dad.
Your not mii father u lost tht title when u left.
Your not Mii Daddy , tht was suppose to be Mii first word I didn't even get yo call you that.
Your Mii Dad. A word tht has very lil meaning.
I am your child but u can't understand that or even see me.
Family look @ me . And thy see you. But I don't even see the resemblance like I use 2.
Crying wondering like what the hell did I do, for my so called dad not even want me and leave me @ the age of 2.
2 years old I could even cause trouble.
But u didn't care you u only wanted that white woman.
I'm damm there grown now and you still not in my life .
Always try to contact you but u always block me out.
you dont see the tears in my eyes when I sit and wonder . Like where the fuck is my dad I really want to know.
But this only shows that you're really not even a man .can't even take care of your support responsibility ,which were in God plans.
But its OK I'm doing fine anyway

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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