chapter 16 ~ 'another riddle'

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"What? Where am I?" I mutter as I blink open my eyes, finding myself in someone's dorm room.

I rub my eyes and look around. It's definitely a boys bedroom. God knows who, I must have gotten drunk last night or something.

I recognise that it's a Slytherin boy's bedroom, with black and green silk sheets that cover me and some Nike trainers on the shoe rack.

I might steal those.

I hear a knock and look up to find the bedroom door now open, with a tall brunette curly haired boy leaning against its doorframe.

"Who are you?" I ask utterly alarmed as I shuffle back a bit in whoever's bed this is.

It's probably his, I'm guessing.

His eyes turn cold in sadness or something... he's kind of hard to read. He looks extremely mysterious and dangerous so I try to find my knife which is usually tucked in my sock.

It's not there.

Neither is my wand.

He sniggers and comes closer to me and I budge back even further, my back hitting the headboard.

He eliminates the space between us and holds up my chin with his cold fingers and glares into my eyes.

As he moves in closer, his breath feathers against my ear sending shivers down my spine.

I don't know whether I'm scared as fuck right now or-

"I've hidden your knife so don't try anything you'll regret." He says, his deep voice sending vibrations into my ear. "I know what you're like."

In an instant, I push him away hard and quickly stand on the other side of the bed and he sends me a smirk.

"Feisty as always."

"What do you mean as always? I don't even know you!" I exclaim, slowly making my way to the door.

"That's right." He says calmly. "You don't know who I am."

His face grows sadder whilst my mind grows curiouser...

Who is this boy?

What am I doing in his room?

I feel like he knows me but I've never even met the dude before!

"Can I ask," I clear my throat. "What am I doing here? Why did I wake up in this dorm?"

"Let's just say... you got drunk at the Slytherin party last night so being the gentleman I am, I took you to my bedroom for your own safety so you can rest."

"That's very um, gentleman of you... I didn't catch your name by the way." I ask, ready to find out who this boy is but still being alert.



"Yeah, that's what I said. Did you not hear me?"

"No I did, I just feel like I know you from somewhere..." I look him up and down to examine him, I definitely feel like I know him.

It's probably just flashbacks from last night or something but I feel like I got super drunk because I can only remember bits and pieces.

"Actually, you look like more of a Todd rather than Mattheo." I joke.

I notice a small smile forming across his face but it soon changes back to his cold one.

"What's the last thing you remember?" He asks in a deep tone as he slowly walks towards me.

𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙨𝙚𝙩 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨 | mattheo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now