chapter 24 ~ 'love sprung from my only hate'

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"Need help?" Hermoine asks curiously.

They look as if they don't want to trust me yet, even though they're using the serum on me. It makes me sad really, I thought me and Hermoine were friends.

"I need your guys help to kill Voldemort."

They squint at the sound of me saying his name aloud, except Harry of course.

"You're being serious, right?" Ron asks.

"I believe her. It's a perfect plan. We know she's a death eater so she can gather intel for us, instead of the Dark Lord." Harry points out.

"But can't he like, mind read or something?" Ron questions.

"It's called legilimency Ronald." Hermoine sighs. "Anyways, occlumency is a really hard skill to learn. He'll find out straight away what you're up to."

"Don't worry, I have it all sorted." I tell them. "Riddle is teaching me."

"Riddle!?" Harry exclaims. "He'll rat us out to his father!"

"I trust him. He hates his father as much as I do. We practically ran away from him together. Don't worry about it." I reassure them, but they still look a bit uneasy about it.

"Right. Can we talk about this later? It's kind of stressing me out." Hermoine says. "Let's just study."

We spend the next hour revising and going over things I missed out on. Hermoine really helped all of us, she's super clever. To be honest, I'm surprised she's not in Ravenclaw.

Once we finished studying, the trio left but I stayed at the library, seen as though I needed to find a nice new romance novel to loan and return my current book, Romeo and Juliet.

I love Romeo and Juliet so much and I want to read it again so badly, but the librarian tells me that many students are waiting for it. That's a lie. She probably wants to read it herself.

I look through the shelves, hoping to find something worth reading in replace of Romeo and Juliet.

Honestly, it makes me cry every time I read it.

"My only love sprung from my only hate. Too early seen unknown, and known too late." I hear someone say in the isle next to the one I'm in.

I jump at the sudden sound of their voice and I immediately know who it is.

"What do you want Riddle?" I say through gritted teeth, and watch him through the books as he walks around and approaches me.

His face is expressionless... emotionless... there's nothing there.

He doesn't even look at me once and slowly reaches for the book in my hand as he continues to avoid eye contact with me.

He takes hold of the book and skims his thumb over the pages, flicking through the book.

"What are you doing?" I ask him confused.

"Romeo and Juliet is a shit play." He spits and tosses the book onto the floor.

"Um, excuse me!?" I whisper-shout as I pick it up angrily. "Romeo and Juliet is an amazing play! And so is the movie." I smirk. "Leonardo DiCaprio is hot."

"But it's not." He says and turns around, locking his eyes on mine his time, but I can see the anger in his face.

God, he gets jealous easily. All I said was Leo is hot!

"And why's that?" I cross my arms, titling my head questionably.

"Come with me to Diggory's party and I'll let you know." He whispers in a low voice with a smirk across his face.

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