chapter 27 ~ 'mastering occlumency'

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We tread down the hill, on our way to the Forbidden Forest. I stumble slightly and out of pure instinct, I grab onto Mattheo's arm for support as he helps me up.

"Thanks." I smile at him but Theodore grabs my arm and pulls me towards him as we continue to walk down the hill.

"You're not allowed to talk to him!" Theo seethes.

"I only said thanks!" I argue.

"Shut the fuck up Nott." Mattheo rolls his eyes. "We all know you're jealous."

"We're just friends." I reassure the two of the them. "Theodore doesn't have feelings for me Mattheo."

"Uh, yeah. I don't." Theodore adds, clearing his throat.

"Will you three be quiet and follow me. Keep your lamps on, the Forbidden Forest is a deadly place." Filch chuckles weirdly and I gulp as we set foot into the forest.

I hear things scurrying in the bushes but it doesn't bother me, I was left in here all alone before and I'm kind of getting used to the atmosphere. It does scare Theo though as I watch him squint in fear.

"Are you ok Theo?" I laugh.

"Yeah, I am. Why'd you ask?" He replies nervously.

I giggle at the sight of Theodore budging closer to me, away from the bushes.

"Don't be a pussy Nott." Mattheo spits in disgust.

I roll my eyes and push Riddle off the path and he stumbles slightly and falls into a thorn bush.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" He exclaims, glaring up at me and Theo laughing.

Suddenly, a rabbit or something jumps over him and he lets out a high pitched squeak and this immediately sets me and Theodore off into a fit of laughter.

"So you are a pussy!" Theodore says, reaching out a hand to help Riddle up.

Mattheo swats it away and rises from the ground by himself, using his wand to get rid of all the thorns and dirt off of him.

"Sorry." I giggle, covering my mouth in case I start laughing again.

"Hurry along now!" Filch beckons so Theodore jogs forward but Mattheo pulls me back and pins me to a tree.

"Ah, you enjoyed that didn't you princess?" He whispers in a low voice. "Well, you know there are going to be consequences."

He looks me up and down with a cold expression on his face and finally releases me from his grip and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in.

We catch up to Filch and Theo and I recognise the place we're at.

"Isn't this the exact spot we met?" I ask Mattheo in wonder, looking around and finding the log I was once sitting on when Filch left me all alone.

"I don't know, it all looks the same to me." He rolls his eyes.

"Sure." I sigh.

"Now you three wait here, I have a job to do." Filch tells us.

"Aren't we supposed to be helping you or something?" Theodore asks confused.

"You'll just get in my way. Just don't move and stay here. I won't leave you this time Miss Esmeray, don't worry." He orders and scurries away into the forest.

"Great. He is going to leave us isn't he?" Theo asks, pacing back and forth.

"Yep. Yes he is Nott." I tell him. "This has happened to me before and Mattheo rescued me like a knight in shining armour." I raise my brows.

𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙨𝙚𝙩 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨 | mattheo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now