~Chapter Three~

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~Time Skip~

The bell rang and it signaled that is was time for lunch. I left the classroom first to go grab my lunch from my locker. Once I got my lunch, I started walking down the hallway to the lunchroom. I found a seat with Jungkook, Jimin, and j-hope. They were talking about their test grades in their last period that they had. Jungkook noticed me and said "hey Yoongs, are you okay?" "I am fine, why wouldn't I be?" I said not trying to sound nervous. J-HOPE said " you know you can tell us anything, right?" "Yes, I know hobi. I just could not sleep last night" I looked over at Jimin and he gave me the look that says i-know-your-lying look, but he just shook it off like it was nothing.Then we heard girls screaming and we turned around to see Taehyung and his girlfriend walk in the cafeteria. I just sighed and kept eating my food without looking at him.

~Taehyung's POV~

This day is getting really boring.my day is pretty much waking up and going to school with people screaming at you saying you are beautiful or can I have an autograph. It gets really annoying, and then I beat up the nerd. I bet anyone reading this is pretty much saying that I am being a jerk to Yoongi or he does not deserve this hatred. Well you are not wrong, he does not deserve this and also hear me out while I tell you why. It all starts back when we started 6th grade....


I was getting ready for school and I headed out the door with my best friends ever Namjoon and Jin. We finally got to the school and while I was walking in the school courtyard, I ran into a boy that had his nose in the book. I helped him up and told him that he needs to be careful, but everyone was looking at us weird and I saw that the boy got embarrassed and started running away. I started following him all the way up to the roof. He looked at me scared, I noticed that he was afraid that I was going to hit him. I walked over to him and hugged him "are you okay?" I asked and he just nodded while he was slowly hugging me back. "What's your name?" "Yoongi, yours?" and I said "Taehyung". After that incident, he started ignoring me for some reason. I asked his brother Jimin and he said that he has been hearing rumors that it is bad to hang out with you. I was so confused and I asked " who started these rumors?" Jimin looked at all the classmates and said with a smirk "everyone said this" while walking to his brother. I got upset and punched a locker. Now I put all my anger on Yoongi.

~Flashback Ends~

Hope you like the chapter. Please stream Tomorrow from BTS. The old songs are always the best. 😁💜

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