IV. Prologue

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𝗣𝗮𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗵𝗶𝘀 eyes, taking a deep breath. He looked around, seeing that he was in his own bed, Back at home.

After that entire battle, and becoming a demon, and dying, and going to heaven, he was finally home again.

He sighed in relief, laying back in his bed.

He remembered everything like it was yesterday. Surely he'd be traumatized by it. And his friends; They'd have to be traumatized, especially since Patrick was the one who killed them.

He wanted to apologize, but he felt that it would be wrong. When they all got to heaven, though, he thought that they knew he was sorry. They knew it wasn't truly him.

But now, none of that was going through Patrick's mind. What he really wanted was to have a cup of coffee, maybe call Pete, and go out into the city, shopping or something.

All the things he took for granted before.

He got out of bed, stretching, then gazed out the window, smiling a bit.

It was good to be home.

A while later, after his morning coffee, he had changed, called Pete, and was now on his way to pick him up.

He didn't really care where they went together, he was just happy to be back on earth and living his life again.

He pulled his car into the driveway of Pete's house, which Pete was just coming out of.

Patrick rolled the window down, smiling. "Hey, Pete."

"Hey." Pete Said, smiling back. He looked around, taking a deep breath. "Isn't it nice to be home?"

Patrick nodded. "Really nice." He said. "Wanna hop in? I thought maybe we'd go hang out or whatever.."

"Sounds awesome." Pete Said. He walked around the car and got in the passenger seat, buckling himself in. "So, where are we going?"

Patrick But his lip. "What do you wanna do?"

Pete thought for a moment. "Well, there's this new rock memorabilia store." He said. "Wanna check it out?"

"Sure." Patrick shrugged.

Pete pulled his phone out of his pocket, turning on the GPS and putting in the address. He set the phone on the center console, and Patrick began driving, following the directions the GPS was giving.

There was silence in the car for minutes, until Pete clearly his throat.

"So, Uh.." he said. "You know...I'm sorry I killed you."

Patrick furrowed his eyebrows. "I was trying to kill you." He said. "And succeeded. You did what you had to do, Pete."

Pete nodded, then was silent for another minute.

"Right before you died.." he broke the silence again, now gazing out the window as he spoke. "Your eyes...they were blue again.."

Patrick looked over at him, wondering where he was going with this.

Pete sighed. "Did you know what was happening?" He asked. "Did you feel it?"

Patrick swallowed, looking down a bit, nodding slightly.

Pete looked down, swallowing. "I-I'm Sorry.." he mumbled.

"It okay, Pete," Patrick Said, reaching over and patting Pete's shoulder. "It's in the past."

Pete looked up at Patrick, nodding. "You're right...it's in the past.." he mumbled.

He reached over to turn on the radio, then stopped. "Patrick?"


"Can I turn on some music?"

Patrick shrugged. "I don't see why not."

Pete turned on the radio, which was only frequency noises until he finally found a station.

Just as the music began to play, Patrick slammed down on the brakes, groaning.

"Patrick!" Pete Said, his eyes widening. "W-What's wrong?"

Patrick began getting dizzy, just like he used to when the demon was coming back.

And suddenly, everything went dark.

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