V. Chapter One: Never Getting Any Better

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Patrick opened eyes, taking a deep breath, before letting out a sigh. He looked around his room, which was bright from the new morning sunlight pouring through the windows.

"It's too bright.." he growled to himself, burying his face in a pillow, wishing he could fall asleep again.

Only, his alarm began to beep.

He groaned, sitting up and turning off his alarm clock angrily.

Six months ago, he was never in bad moods. Life seemed perfect, especially since he just got back from heaven.

Then the incident with the radio happened. Thankfully, Pete only got a few scrapes, but he knew to turn off the radio, since his experience told him to.

Patrick was angry that his demon didn't go away. Why wouldn't it? He was in heaven, wouldn't it just disappear?

But no, he was left like this. Unable to listen to music, which was literally the reason he used to wake up in the morning.

Not anymore.

He'd sleep through the day. He didn't care.

What was there to wake up for? He'd wake up for his friends, but now they began to act weird around him. He knew it wasn't their faults, they were just worried. Not only that, but he didn't have a girlfriend, and he couldn't make music anymore, or listen to it.

Therefore, he had no reason to be awake. Much less alive.

Why me? He wondered. Why did all this have to happen to me?

He had been a good person, right? He was always happy, loved to make music, and was innocent as can be.

Why did he have to get cursed with this stupid demon?

It would ruin his life. He'd never be able to be happy again. No one would ever want to be with him, in fear that he could flip at any moment.

Patrick let out a growl, sitting up and reaching his hand over to smack the snooze button on his alarm clock. However, he hit it harder than he thought, and accidentally knocked it onto the floor.

"Damn it!" He hissed, angrily throwing the covers off of himself. He got out of bed, bending down and picking up the alarm, finally switching it off and getting some peace. He set the alarm back on the nightstand, a broken sigh escaping his lips.

He missed his old life. He missed music, he missed his friends, and he missed being happy.

What was the point anymore?

Patrick's lower lip began to quiver, and through he tried so desperately to hold it in, a heart-wrenching sob escaped his lips as he dropped himself back onto the bed, covering his face with his hands. The entire room, aside from his loud sobs, was absolutely silent, reminding him of how alone he was.

Who could love him? He turned into a demon only hearing the slightest bit of music, for goodness' sake.

Who on earth could love a demon?

The silence in then room was broken by the loud ringing of a cell phone, which Patrick could've sworn he had shut off last night.

He wiped his eyes with his fists in a childlike manner, taking a deep breath to compose himself as he reached for the ringing phone.

He sighed a little when he saw the caller ID, but pressed the answer icon anyway, bringing the phone to his ear.

"Hey, Patrick." The voice on the other line started. "How are you today?"

Patrick sighed, wiping the leftover tears from his eyes with his free hand.

"Can't say I'm wonderful." He mumbled. "How're you, Pete?"

"Uh, pretty good, I guess." He answered. "Me and the boys are gonna head to the studio."

Patrick felt a pang of jealously hearing Pete talk about going to the studio. Somewhere he couldn't be anymore, at least not without flipping out and possibly killing someone.

"Oh, the studio?" He pretended to actually care.

He didn't want to take out his built up anger on Pete. It wasn't his fault this was happening.

"Yeah," Pete started. "I started writing some songs or whatever."

Patrick chuckled a little at Pete's teenager-esque way of speaking. At least There was something to make him laugh, even if only a little.

There was a short moment of silence, then Pete spoke again.

"Listen, man," he sighed. "I miss you. Wanna meet somewhere, and, I don't know, hang out?"

Patrick swallowed a little. "Isn't it dangerous?" He asked.

He hadn't been out of the house in months, even to go outside, In fear of someone even walking by with music playing. He just didn't want to risk it.

"Patrick, you can't stay inside forever.." Pete sighed.

"Watch me." Patrick hissed.

He could practically hear pete roll his eyes through the phone. "I'm not just going to let you fucking rot at home." He said.

"It's better to rot here then prison." Patrick spat, feeling a bit proud of his good comeback.

"Fine," Pete growled. "Come, don't come, I don't care. I'm just trying to be a friend."

"Some friend." Patrick retorted.

"Grow the fuck up." Pete snapped. "Get your head out of your ass and realize that this is your new normal. You need to learn to live with it and move on."

Patrick clenched his hands into fists, willing the tears in his eyes to go away. He however failed, and tears began to stream down his pale cheeks.

"Pete." He whispered brokenly, before beginning to sob quietly.

He wasn't crying because what Pete Said had hurt him, he was crying because he knew that he was right.

Pete, however, felt guilty upon hearing Patrick sobbing, and his voice softened.

"Patrick...I'm sorry." He said gently. "I didn't mean it, really."

Patrick swallowed, reaching up his hand to rub his teary eyes.

"No, no, you're right.." he mumbled. "Gosh, I've been a terrible friend.."

"Hey, I get it, dude." Pete sighed. "I have no idea what it feels like to go through what you are, but it must be hard."

"It is." Patrick Said, his voice hardly above a whisper. "Its really hard." He swallowed back tears, scratching his neck a little. "You know," he mumbled. "I think it'd be nice for me to get out."

"That's the spirit." Pete said happily. "How about the park? We can just sit and talk."

"Sounds great." Patrick smiled a little. "See you in a bit, then?"

"See you in a bit, bud." Pete Replied, before hanging up.

Patrick Put his phone down, reaching his hands up to wipe the remaining tears from his eyes. He then stood, going over and opening the curtains to let some light in.

As he gazed out at the city below him, he let out a sigh.

"It's never getting any better than this."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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