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Bakugo woke up, feeling large thuds all around him. His eyes widened when these noises never awoke you. Bakugo picked you up, throwing you on his back as your arms draped over his shoulders. Bakugo looked around, seeing what the problem was, then he noticed blue flames inching towards you both. 

Bakugo began running towards the direction you both were heading, feeling you hop on his back. His breathing intensified as the blue fire followed, but slowly. The sky was still dark. The smell of burning wood filled the air as your breath was slow. He was glad to feel your breathing on his neck but was still confused about how you haven't awakened. 

"(y/n)!" Bakugo blurted, but you did not answer. He sighed, continuing to run. 

After quite some time, he grew tired and finally reached town. 

'Now to find a campus.' 

He thought to himself, looking around in hopes to find a friend. 

"Bakugo!" He heard Kirishima's voice, looking in front of him. He saw his Red Riot suit on, preparing himself for battle. 

"KIRISHIMA!" Bakugo shouted, scaring nearby citizens to flee. 

Bakugo ran up to Kirishima, Kirishima presenting worry as you are still asleep on Bakugo's back. 

"What happened?" Kirishima asked as a few pro heroes came by. 

"Bakugo, we've been searching for you," Aizawa spoke, lowering his floating hair as his binding cloth stayed wrapped around his arms. 

"Is (y/n) ok?!" Kaminari blurted as All Might and Izuku followed behind him. 

Everyone looked at the duo, Bakugo filled with anger as you were just slumped on his back. 

"We have young Bakugo and young (y/n), so we must leave to see if there are any injuries." All Might spoke out, everyone agrees. 

Bakugo turned back to see smoke in the air, but it was pretty distant. The blue flames were gone, making Bakugo sigh in relief. 

"Hand her to me, I can take her there," Izuku demanded. Bakugo gritted his teeth as he slowly took you off his body and handing you into the arms of Deku. 

Everyone dashed forward, using their quirks to go much faster. The news presented this as many were filming the sight and posting it online. 

Once everyone reached UA High, Izuku handed you to Bakugo, still, everyone rushing towards Recovery Girl. Bakugo presented her the fact that he wasn't injured, but he explained the fact that something was wrong with you. 

"So, she fell asleep and won't wake up?" Recovery Girl asked, lifting her eyelid to see if there was anything wrong with your eyes. 

"SHIT!" Bakugo shouted, making everyone around him jump from shock. 

"What?" Izuku asked, leaning forward to hear closely. 

"I don't think she's taken her medication! Not even at the quirk training THING!" Bakugo lifted his hands to the sides of his head, rubbing his temples as he kept his eyes on you. "I haven't seen her with them at all the past week!" Everyone was confused, except Kirishima who knew of the medication, but was unsure what they were for. 

"It's that!" Recovery Girl beamed, reaching out her lips to touch your cheeks. "This might not heal her completely, as her quirk is very strong on the mind." 

"Recovery Girl, may I ask what her quirk is?" Kirishima questioned, making Bakugo glare at him. 

"Her quirk..." Recovery Girl paused, taking one last glance towards you, then Bakugo faced her eyes towards the rest of the group. "It's possession. She can possess people and use their quirks." Recovery Girl sighed, looking back towards you. 

"She's going to KILL ME!" Bakugo shouted, glancing towards you. "She never wanted this to come out," he mumbled, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "And that damn bastard Dabi."

"What about Dabi?" Aizawa questioned, taking a few steps towards Bakugo.

"He seems so TOUCHY WITH HER!" Bakugo took a few steps towards you, leaning over your resting body to take one more glance. "DAMMIT!" Bakugo rushed through the crowd and left the room, running down the hall and out of the school. 

Once Bakugo felt the warm air hit his body, he took a few steps forward, the night taking his emotions over his body. This is the most he's felt this frustrated and overwhelmed. 

'Why was Dabi acting like that around her? Why isn't she waking up? What's wrong with her quirk?' 

Though these thoughts filled his mind, he changed them to anger in words and actions. His teeth grinded as his fists opened. Small explosions grew to larger ones as his thoughts repeated. 

"DAMN LEAGUE OF VILLAINS!" Bakugo released a large explosion beneath his feet, causing him to propel into the air about twenty feet before landing on the ground. His face was red hot, blood boiling. 

"Bakugo!" Izuku and Kirishima shouted running towards Bakugo. 

"SHUT UP!" Bakugo shouted, stuffing his hands into his pockets as both boys noticed the black grass on both sides of Bakugo. 

"We know how much she means to you, but-"

"I said SHUT IT!" Bakugo huffed as he turned around. His eyes weren't wanting a win in a competition. His eyes were wanting vengeance. 

"Don't go after him. (y/n) wouldn't like that." Izuku spoke, slowly inching towards his rival. 

"AND WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT HER?!" Bakugo shouted, seeing the two boys take a few steps closer. "I'M NOT GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU! STOP TREATING ME LIKE I WILL!" Both Izuku and Kirishima stepped forward, only being a foot away from Bakugo. They could instantly tell that he was furious.

"The reason she is not awake is because of her quirk, not Dabi," Kirishima spoke, stating the facts. 

"BUT THAT BASTARD STILL..." Bakugo paused, looking at the ground with his anger-shaped eyes and gritting teeth. "He still treated her like shit. I could see it in her eyes when we left that place." Izuku grinned, noticing how much Bakugo has changed just by meeting you. 

"Bakugo, do you realize what you're feeling?" Kirishima asked, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. Bakugo kept his eyes on the ground. 

"YES! I FEEL HATRED AND ANGER!" Bakugo shouted, watching the crispy grass crack to the gust of wind blowing through. 

"No, about (y/n)." Kirishima nodded towards Izuku, signaling him to tell the hot-headed boy. 

"It's love," Izuku spoke, making Bakugo stop his breath.

Bakugo raised his angered eyes to the two boys in front of him.

"IT'S NOT LOVE!" He shouted, suddenly recalling all the moments he had with you.

"But it is. Just look at it. You worry about her. She makes you bring out another side of you and you do the same for her." Kirishima spoke, patting his friend's back as he smirked while Izuku grinned.

"You're saying I love her?!" Bakugo shouted once more, looking at the two with confused crimson eyes.

"Yes." Both nodded as they spoke in unison, making Bakugo question his thoughts, his actions, his everything.

'She is pretty, she is nice, she is determined. She's also worried for me? She brings a side of me that no one knows? Well, she does speak more to me than anyone else and I like that since I dislike it when she doesn't speak. But love? She does make my heart thump here and there, but is that what this is? Love?'

Bakugo nodded, walking back into the building to find Recovery Girl's room.

Her Solitude - Katsuki Bakugo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now