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Taking a deep breath, you stood in front of the classroom door.

"Hey, you're going to be fine," Bakugo spoke, placing his hand on your shoulder.

"Thanks." With a grin, you slowly opened the large door, seeing light shining through the windows as more light lifted on your classmates' faces.

"(y/n)!" they all shouted, jumping out of their seats and rushing towards you.

"Hey," Tororoki spoke calmly, but in his eyes, he was truly happy to see your return.

"We missed you so much!" Mina leaped forward, wrapping her arms around your torso, tightening the grip to squeezing you.

You pat her back, causing her to release. Uraraka hugged you, but more gently.

"Glad to see you're back," Izuku spoke, cocking his head to the side with a large smile, making his eyes close.

"Thanks, Izuku." You presented the same face, making the boys lightly blush.

Bakugo never yelled at all the attention you received, or the pick-up lines Kaminari would use on you. Kirishima would get close, but still, nothing from Bakugo. Only a grin from the distance.

Everyone sat down as Aizawa entered the room.

"Alright, class. We will be celebrating (y/n)'s return by doing whatever the hell you want. As long as you don't bother me, you'll all live." Aizawa balled himself in his bright yellow sleeping bag, curling into his usual corner.

"Ok!" Everyone busted out, except you.

Still staying quiet, you pulled out a notebook and your pen, creating quick sketches.

"Still won't talk?" Kaminari questioned, crossing his arms as he watched your hand move quickly across the paper.

Nodding, you were too focused on the drawing, hoping it wouldn't end. The drawing is something you weren't even thinking about. You just let your hand scribble anything it came up with. 

"What's that?" he asked, leaning forward to get a closer look.

Shrugging, you continued to draw lines, adding shades, and rubbing the lead to give it a great effect.

"So, she's good?" Kirishima asked Bakugo, who had his feet propped on top of his desk, leaning back in his chair. 

"Yea, the treatment worked." Bakugo softly replied, keeping his crimson orbs on the back of your body, seeing your arm go crazy over the price of paper in front of you. "Hey, what are you drawing?" Bakugo asked, making you party your lips.

"I don't know," you replied, pausing your movements once your hand finished its drawing. 

"Aw, it's the whole class." Kaminari leaned forward more, gracefully laying a finger on the corner of the paper to pull it towards him.

"That's good, (y/n)," Kirishima spoke in awe of your quick work. 

Bakugo stood, walking to your left side to take a look at the piece. His eyes widened when he noticed you drew him wrapping his arm around your shoulders. A light blush tinted his cheeks recognizing you pecking his cheek. 

"You two are so cute!" Mina blurred, appearing out of nowhere from behind you and the boys. "I love that you two are together." Her large and toothy smile made you grin, as well as a nod to the comment.

"Me too," you whispered, making Bakugo and the other boys lift the corners of their lips. 

"Seriously," Izuku walked close to your desk. "You've changed Kacchan in ways that no one could. Thank you." Tilting his head with his famous smile, you nodded. 

"Hey! I changed her too!" Bakugo blurted, crossing his arms and lifting his upper body. 

"Sure you did." you chuckled to your reply, seeing him sigh.

"I did," he stated once again, laying his eyes on yours, locking them together. 

"Alright! The two love birds need some alone time!" Mina blurted, shoving Izuku, Kaminari, and Kirishima away from the two. She began to cackle as she distanced herself from you. 

"They're stupid." Bakugo walked a few steps to his seat, resting his chin in his palm, spinning the pen in his fingers. 

You spun your chair around, laying your head on your arms over his desk. 

"Anyone can be stupid." you sighed, closing your eyes. 

Bakugo scooted his arm and body forward, allowing his elbow to touch your arm. This little contact made him happier for you, for you to be back in the classroom with everyone again, even with him. 

Your smile dropped as your mind began to fade into deep darkness, but that darkness was bombarded by thoughts of light. Thinking of how all of your classmates have missed you and are glad that you're back. Thinking of how your father is alive and is now with you and everyone else. Thinking of how Bakugo is always close by and loves you. Your heart began to flutter as your breathing slowed in a deep sleep by Bakugo's side.


A/N: I'm proud to say that the book is finally finished! I hope you all enjoyed it! Not gonna lie, I was worried it wouldn't be up to many people's expectations, but I didn't care and kept posting, and thanks to you guys, I have the courage to start posting my new Bakugo x Reader, which is called "Wings". 

Again, thank you all for reading and for making some of the best comments on this story. I love reading all your comments, even though I don't reply to all of them, know that I probably have read them. 

Stay cool you guys.

Her Solitude - Katsuki Bakugo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now