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Since Recovery Girl has been used a lot quite recently, she could only heal the inner wounds of both men. You still felt worried. You sat by Bakugo's bed, switching your gaze between your father and the blonde beside you.

"This is so confusing." You mumbled, feeling a headache approach.

"(y/n), people want to talk to you," Kirishima spoke, opening the door for you. You nodded, lightly brushing your fingers against Bakugo's hand.

As you stepped out the door, you slowly wobbled towards the entrance of UA High.

"This sucks." Your eyes traveled to Kirishima, hearing his depressed words. You saw him on the verge of tears, but he wasn't going to cry.

"It does." You weren't crying but felt empty inside. Your heart dropped a while ago.

You lifted your hand and placed it on Kirishima's shoulder, patting it lightly. As you opened the glass doors, the sunrise beamed light into your eyes, making you squint. Loud shouts blurted Bakugo's name as many people waved their hands for your attention. There were multiple flashes from cameras and the gust of wind blowing your (h/l) hair over your face.

You pushed your hair behind your ear as you took a few steps towards the crowd, noticing the mics and notebooks a few people had.

Kirishima stood beside you as Izuku slowly approached from the side of the cement.

"Yea?" you asked the crowd, still squinting from the light.

"What happened to Bakugo?!" One woman shouted.

"Who is the man that hurt Bakugo?!"

"Who were you fighting?"

"Are you ok?!"

All these questions bombarded your mind. You attempted to answer them, but you couldn't. You stood speechless, your eyes finally adjusting to the light. You dropped your gaze to your hands.

'Dad is dying. Bakugo is dying. They are healing though. Is dad actually OK? Is he still alive? How is he still alive when I saw him dead?'

Questions filled your brain, suddenly giving you a feeling of being overwhelmed.

"Answer us!"

"Is he ok?!"

"What happened?!"

You continued to hear a mesh of your thoughts and everyone's shouts. It was as if their frequencies were combating over each other. Your heart pounded fast as your fingers began to twitch.

"Calm down!" Kirishima shouted.

"(y/n), do you need to go inside?" Izuku asked, but you were still frozen. Your body wouldn't move nor would you speak.

'I swear my dad died! Bakugo...he's hurt because of me! The League of Villains showed up because of me! My dad stabbed the one boy I really like! I don't know what to do! Everyone is shouting at me and I'm just stuck!'

You lifted your hands and shoved them against your ears, hoping the sounds of everyone's shouts would drain away. You shut your eyes as tears slowly strolled down your face. Your breathing increased as the dreaded thoughts of this being all over approached you.

Once you opened your eyes, tears were rushing down your face. You could feel the burning marks they left behind, dropping to the floor beneath your feet. You lowered your hands as sobs escaped your mouth. Sniffling while crying really got everyone's attention, making everyone look at you as they sat in silence.

"Stop," you mumbled, turning around. As you headed for the glass doors, Kirishima and Izuku followed.

People began to shout at you.


"Why won't you say anything!"

The voices faded as the doors shut behind you. Kirishima and Izuku both layed a hand on each shoulder of yours, looking at your messy face.

"(y/n), I'm sorry," Izuku spoke as he pulled you into his side. His arm wrapped around your bicep, hugging you softly.

Your legs felt weak, almost like jello. You suddenly collapsed, the tears streaming like a fast-paced river. You attempted to use your bare arm to move the tears, but it just smudged the liquid around your face.

Both boys lowered themselves beside you, hugging you. It was just a group hug, but it didn't seem to do anything. You continued to cry and let out sobbing noises that made you feel embarrassed.

'What's wrong with me? I'm a hero! I need to get my shit together! But it hurts. It's too overwhelming and with my dad appearing and Bakugo showing up and all the people shouting and the space enclosing and the...I can't deal with this.'

Your thoughts ran and ran like it was a five-kilometer run. You gasped for air, making the boys pull away and look at you. Wiping the tears still, you finally began to speak.

"I-I can't." They raised a brow in confusion.

"Can't what?" Kirishima asked, rubbing your back.

"I can't move. M-my head and hearth-hurts." You sniffled once more, wiping more tears away with your damp arms. "It hurts too much!"

Izuku looked at Kirishima, nodding to the redhead. Kirishima lifting your body as you continued to sob and weep. He held you close to his chest, feeling his shirt slowly soak with your tears, but was perfectly fine as long as he can help you.

You noticed that you entered Recovery Girl's room through your blurred eyes, tears slowly leaving. Your arms were soaked in tears, wishing you had a long-sleeved shirt.

"Here." Kirishima saw Bakugo still sleeping, as well as your father. He lowered you next to Bakugo on the bed as he sat in the chair you did about twenty minutes ago.

The tears slowed, but you still had to wipe them. Kirishima grabbed your hands, making the hot liquid run down the side of your face and onto the sheets behind your head.

"Let me do it," Izuku spoke, who was beside Kirishima. He rolled his sleeve down and wiped your face, making the tears pause.

Sniffling, Kirishima lowered your hands and watched as you turned your head to Bakugo, who's lying beside you.

"Thank you, Kirishima and Izuku," you said in a nasal tone, feeling both boys watch your movements.

The longer you watched Bakugo sleeping peacefully, the more it made you calm down. Your breathing slowed as the tears finally stopped, but you could still feel the stains they left behind on your pale cheeks.

You dropped your eyelids, feeling sleep override your body.

Kirishima and Izuku grinned, seeing that you fell asleep.

"They look good together," Kirishima observed, grabbing your left hand and rubbing the top of it with his thumb.

"They do. I'm glad Kacchan found someone and so did (y/n)." Izuku replied, walking towards the door. "I need to go, see you later." Izuku waved, giving you one more glance before he shut the door behind himself.

Her Solitude - Katsuki Bakugo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now