𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓

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Mika yawned.

"Did you not sleep well again?"

He smiled sheepishly, accepting the bonk on the head from the raven-haired boy. He shifted in his spot, scratching the back of his head. "The fly will wake me up, no worries."

Megumi sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Please don't run into a bird this time."

"Hey now, the bird flew into me," Mika joked, though winced at the memory of crashing into a goose. Geese were terrifyingly aggressive.

"I'll follow the train, get going," Mika reassured, shooing him off. Megumi sighed, but did as he was told, making his way out of school grounds.

Once Megumi was gone from sight, he shed his uniform jacket and blindfold. He was wearing a special top shaped like a halter shirt to allow his wings to come through without ripping his shirt.

Six wings extended from his back and he spread them out, relishing the feel of the morning sun on his feathers.

Eagerly, he took off in the air, breathing in the crisp air. He loved morning air best, when it was cold and moist. Something about the morning quiet was beautiful, tranquil.

The sun was barely peeking through the skyline, no birds in sight. Mika took his time, looping through air, lazily swatting at the fluffy clouds.

Eventually, Mika forced himself to go ahead so he and Megumi could get to some lodging, not that it was a problem. Between Satoru and him, they had quite a bit of money to spare.

Mika sent Megumi instructions on where to go and found him wandering in front of the lavish hotel Mika had booked for a few days. Megumi raised an eyebrow at Mika's sly smirk.

The white-haired boy held up a credit card in between his fingers. "Satoru said he'd pay."

"Of course he did," Megumi sighed, knowing the older brother did almost anything for Mika. "Where's the object's location?"

"UA Academy," Mika briefed him, pulling out his phone as they made their way inside the hotel. Yaga sent him a picture on the way there and he showed Megumi the picture.

It honestly did not look like a cursed object. It was an interesting bracelet made of twisted metal wrapping around an iridescent blue eye. It reminded him of Satoru's eyes, but it was a deeper shade of blue.


"Special-grade," Mika smiled, sliding the hotel card through the suite. He heard a beep and pushed the door open, revealing a large room with two beds at first sight. "Ooh, mints."

He snatched the peppermint from the table and popped one in his mouth immediately. Megumi sat down on the plush couch, closing his eyes for a minute. "When are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow," Mika crunched the mint in thought. "The principal's expecting us tomorrow morning."

"Is the Principal a window?"


A window was someone who could see curses. Typically, someone with a quirk couldn't see curses, but some were an exception. He'd seen the principal once or twice on the news and it scared him how intelligent he was.

"We can explore Musutafu," Mika exclaimed excitedly. Megumi didn't move, tilting his head back on the couch. "Or you can take a nap."

"Be careful," Megumi warned from his place on the couch. He was still trying to recover from yesterday's incidents, so Mika let him be.

"I'll pick up some lunch for us later," Mika promised, giving him a thumbs up before exiting the room. When the door closed, he let out a sigh and rubbed his forehead.

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