Ok I woke up to leo's voice saying "Home Stuck time!!!" so I read the comic and I loved it so my fave is Fefari Peixes and Leo's is Kanaya, Donnies favorite is Eridan and Mikey's is Gamzee, but now I really like it )(eck sometimes my H's look like )('s so yeah....
I was reading some "Paper Towns by: John Green" when my favorite )(omestuck song came on "You're So Creepy" it's the perfect song for me, I just love the beat. I got reall obsessed with it, I can't beleve for so long,I didn't even now what )(ome Stuck was about. I put up the volume of course and started to hum the tune. I was in the living room when Mikey walked in I didn't notice until I bumped into )(im and it freeked me out. "Whoa Raph, it's just me, I see your listening to a )(omestuck song." )(e said pointing towards my phone. "Yeah, I just can't fight the )(ome Stuck." I winked and went back to the couch and kept reading my book.
Later I ate dinner, Ramon noodles, when Leo texted me:
Leo:Hi Raph: )(ey Leo: lol hey Fefari Raph: /=/ Oh )(ey Kanaya Leo: :) I see you like Homestuck Raph: Yup, it's just my style Leo: Well glad you like it, I will come in a half an hour cause Mikey got hinmself lost, again Raph: Are serious? Leo: yup but it's okay I can handle it Raph: I saw )(im a little while ago so )(e can't be that far just check around the perimeter and anywhere conecting Leo: Wow thx bai Raph: )(ey what are couples for? /:)
After a little bit Leo came in with Mikey who had a quilty expression on his face "Well, well..." I said when )(e sat down on the floor. Leo sat next to me and fell asleep probably from exaustion and we spent the whole night watching )(omestuck videos.
)(ello fellow friends, if you like )(omestuck awesome and if you dont even know what )(ome Stuck is I suggest to watch it cause it's amazing. Raph and Leo love ya, go rescue a turtle....
Tmnt Raphael P.O.V
FanfictionIf you like tmnt and ships like Raphanardo and Michetello and music then this is the story for you. Enjoy :)