Chapter 2

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Wayne's Pov

When we finally arrived at the club. Lauren literally dragged me out of my car and onto the dancefloor. She was dancing everywhere like she lost her mind and I couldnt control her. "Go get me a drink . " She said pushing me away from her . I walked towards the barstool and sat ordering me a drink. I didnt know what it was called but that shit was good , I didnt want to go back to dancing with lauren so I just sat at the bar chugging down drinks by the minute.

" Wayne ! " I hear Lauren yell ,storming at me ." why did you just leave me ike that ? " she said hugging on my arm . I removed her arm and looked at her. " You  told me to get you a drink. " I answered. " Never mind that .. Come on. " She said gripping my arm back out to the floor. She didnt hestitate to turn around and bend down shaking her arse up in the air. She grabbed my hands and move then to her hips swaying back and forth trying her best to make me want her. " Enough. " I said removing my hands and walking to the bathroom. When I got in the bathroom  I decided to call Jasmine not really paying attention to the time. After the fourth ring I gave up and walked out. " Finally. " Someone called out making me turn my head to a smiling lauren. She made her way towards me and hugged me, she then whispered in my ear " I want you." and kissed my earlobe.

I knew this is what she wanted. I knew she had a plan all along. She wants me to give in so I can have sex with her and so me and Jas break up. But , I wasnt going to give in Im not stupid enough to fall for her dumb tricks. " Yea you might want me , but I sure in hell dont want you . " I said simply and walked out the club leaving her speechless. I decided to drive to Nicki and Drake's house since they live around here.

Jasmine Pov

I woke up to my phone vibrating on my nightstand notifiy me I have a message. I opened up the text message that said Sophie.  

Soph~ You ready hun ?

Jas~ Yeah , Where you at ?

Soph~ Outside . Hurry Up Jas !

Jas~ Okayy, Dont have to rush. :>)

Soph~ LOL

I got up out the bed and went straight to the bathroom . I look in the mirror to see bedhair and red sleepmarks on my face from the pillows. Taking off my pajamas , undies and bra  I jumped in the smoothing hot water beaming in the shower. It took me about  5 minutes in there since sophie was waiting for me. I put on my blue and black underwears and bra , then my blue Levi plain shirt followed by my darkwash Levi jeans. I put my blue levi sneakers on after my sock , then got prepare to do my hair. I just put my hair in a side braid and put on pink lipgloss and mascara ,  grabbed my phone and went downstairs.

" Damn, Finally. "  Sophie said as she got up from the couch and walk towards me . " Shutup."  I smiled .  " You ready ? "  She said laughing and going out the door.  I felt my phone vibrating in my back pocket. " Hello . " I said just answering the phone. " Baby ? "  Wayne said . " Yes Wayne ? Wassup . "  I said locking up my front door and going to the passanger sided. " Where you going ? " He said confused . " Girl day out with Sophie. but, I miss you. "  I said sighing. " Aww, I miss you too babygirl. " He cooed.  "   but , are you sure you dont want to come with me. "  he said laughing. " I cant wayne , "  I smiled through the phone . Sophie looked at me while driving. " Who is that ? " She said smiling. " wayne. " 

     Wayne Pov

" Babe , What you do yesterday ? "  She said interestly. I knew I was going to tell her that I went to the club with Lauren my ex . but I didnt think  she would have asked so soon. " Went to the club with lauren. "  I said softly. There was long pause on the other line until she spoke. " Why ?" she said bluntly. " Well , she asked me to go , and I was bored so I just went. You ok with it ? "  I said  " Hell no . You know I dont like that bitch. She going to try to take my boo away. " She said sighing lightly. " Nahh , never that . but call me tonight , gotta photoshoot with the crew. " I said getting dress. " Alright , Love you. " She said loudly.  " I love you more. bye. " I said hanging up and walking to my car , saying goodbye to nicki and drake and driving to my near penthouse.

" Wayne is that you . " My mama called out . " YES Ma , where you at ?" I said throwing my sweater in the closet. " Kitchen , Im making gumbo. " She said hugging me tightly. " Mm, sounds good. Is it ready yet ? " I said sitting on the island stool. " Almost ... but wayne , hunny where is Jasmine . "  She said looking around . " All the way home . " I said looking at her. " WHY ?! " she said mad alittle. " She had to take care of some business upthere. " I said laughing and dipping my finger in the pot of gumbo. " Yum. "  

" Boy I will break your damn hands if you dont get that finger out my pot. "  She said hitting my shoulder and started stirring it up . " Calm down. " I said putting my hands up in surrender and running upstairs. I took this chance to call tyga and tell him to tell everybody to meet at his place.

~ " Alright , be there around 6 . 

~ Cool. 

Lastnight , I couldnt even enjoy myself without lauren all up on me. I couldnt take it anymore. It was to either leave or punch the shxt out of her. But, I know better then to hit a women. So thats why I left , Jasmine will kill me if she ever find out I cheated on her with lauren. Especially since lauren has a kid by me and jasmine doesnt. I will love to have childrens with her but I told her to wait until everything is right with the whole tattoo artist thing she wants to be. I want her to be successful without having to deal with kids in her way, and she understands that . 

" Come eat ! " My mama said loudly. " ok ." I said running downstairs. After I ate I told my ma I was going out for a photoshoot. " Okay baby , Be careful now. " She said kissing my cheek and started cleaning up . " I will ,  Bye. " I said walking out the door to my car and drove to Tyga house .

How do you like it ? I think its alright, but I finally did it . How do you  like Jasmine and Wayne Relationship ? Read more  :)

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