Poem of Randomness

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It's so easy to touch warm air.

Is it easy to touch warm skin?

Are my words effective enough for you to let me go?

Is a scratchy voice enough to send shivers down your spine?

Can I beg like I have always wanted to...will you judge me?

Is my naked body enough to repulse you...can I feel loved too?

Should love be shown or given...what is love?

Hearts? Rainbows? Sex? Caresses? Words? Things?

Will I too feel warm inside? Will you touch my flower and let it bloom without you ever leaving?

Stand in front of me and tell me the words I have always wanted to hear...do you know what they are?

Can they be spoken out loud? I have seen the waters, the beaches, the lakes, and the ocean - no matter how cold it gets people always come back to it. 

Can someone come to me even if it's just for a moment, someone else will replace you but its better than feeling cold, and alone. 

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