Accepted - Sukhoon

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"Love, ummmm—can't you....just do that later?"  Suk said carefully, scared to disturb the other from his ongoing work. He pursed his lips, trying to prevent his tears from falling. But to his dismay,

no response. Only the loud tapping of keyboards and his short haltering breath can be heard.  "Hey," he continued, short arms now huddled tightly on Jihoon's waist as he tries his best not to let him see his sad and woeful eyes.

"Not now, Suk."  Not now. Not now—again.

But it's my birthday, Ji. He wanted to say that— but no, he couldn't. Instead, he went back to sleep, curled up on his sheets like a cocoon. Because no matter how hard it is, he wouldn't talk, he wouldn't rant nor complain. He loves him, he wants Jihoon to accept him wholeheartedly. He wants to give him the best boyfriend anyone could ever hope for. He wants to be perfect for him. And so he tries—he tries to be someone ideal for him.


Now sitting on the exact same spot where they first met 6 years ago, the other chortled. Oh how his voice sounds so nice—too nice, too good to be true yet his words are like bullets, piercing deeply through Suk's fragile heart.

"How long has it been, Suk? 5 years—"

"6 years, Ji." He smiles, cutting his words as he gaze upon Jihoon's shining eyes. It's too blissful, too merry, too contented that it's hurting him. It hurts him to bits knowing that he isn't the sole reason for that happiness, he isn't the one being reciprocated by his love, he isn't the one for him at all. It's the sweet and charming man beside him; Kim Junkyu, his best friend.

"Woah, that long?"

Yes, Ji. That long.

Tons of times, you've tried shattering my heart. Still, I wouldn't even let go. Instead, I say, "The sight of you makes me muster these broken pieces back together."

You're so unfair. I tried so hard to be someone who's perfect for you, someone who loves you; you're someone whom I treasure so much.

But look what you did. My safe space left me.

4 years of a happy relationship yet you left me. Or maybe, I was the only one merry about it?

"Moving on, what's the plan, Ji? I'm excited!" Junkyu exclaimed, holding the crystal ring on his finger.

Hyunsuk just stares. He tries to hide his emotions, again, to be someone ideal for him. The other cleared his throat, too excited of what he's about to say. And so Hyunsuk, anticipated, too immersed, too hopeful—

"Will you be my best man, Hyunsuk hyung?"


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