Moon's Phases

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Hyunsuk's POV

"My ddangie, do you still remember the poem I made about the moon's phases?" His eyes were sparkling with contentment and bliss as he kneels in front of me, showing me the most beautiful treasure that I have ever seen. He's smiling from ear to ear, tears gradually forming on the corner of his eyes. My breath hitched as my lips started to quiver, finding the right remarks to say. I-i'm lost for words. I cupped my face to stop the tears from forming but they didn't. Instead, they unceasingly trickled down my cheeks, seeping through my cold trembling fingers. I look wasted but who cares? All I know is that I'm really happy and blessed right now to have Jihoon in my life.

"Of course love! You're the first quarter, I'm the third quarter. If visualized, we make a full moon together!" I said breathily, bursting into tears.

We are the moon, and the sun  is made up of our compliments, reflecting radiance that makes us shine bright amidst the darkness. It continuously serves us our strength and backbone, reminding us that we are not and never will be alone.

Jihoon and I have been in a relationship for 5 years now. We've shared wonderful memories together that any other couple could only wish for. We walk together on our way to school, text each other almost every hour, eat together every meal time, our simple stares have meanings that we can decipher instantly just by looking deeply through each other's eyes. We're soulmates they say. We're bounded by the heavens.

I can still clearly remember that day—when I promised  that I would never leave him. That day was so remarkable. Only mirthful things happened and I swear, it was my favorite.

My breath hitched when he chuckled near me, too intimate for me to handle. His hot breath was fanning the crook of my neck as he snuggled his face towards it. "Ddangie, promise me that you'll never leave me." He said in between our kisses. It was soft and gentle, his other arm guiding my waist closer to his. I love him so much. He's the epitome of beauty and affection. "Promise, I'll make you the happiest man in this world." I whispered, pulling him to an embrace, mouthing I love you on repeat. Next thing I knew, we were drunk in each other's kisses.

I can't breathe. I can't believe this is finally happening. He's the best thing that happened to my life. He isn't a thing but I'll gladly call him my possession. He is mine, now and forever—

—till my very last breath Jihoon.

"Hyunsuk hyung! Long time no see." His smile was brighter, body was more buff, hair was longer,  hands holding someone better—and it came to me. I was imagining things again.

"H-hi!" I said ever so cheerfully, mustering the remaining strength that I have as I saw him intertwine his fingers with someone else. What caught my attention were their matching rings.  My smile unconsciously turned to a frown. The sight of it shattered my already broken heart to even smaller pieces.  It's excruciating seeing them happy when in fact, I was once in his position. I should've been there. I shoud've been the one holding his hands, making him laugh, making him the happiest. But now—it's Junkyu.
"S-so you guys are married!" I didn't know how I was able to say that without breaking down in front of their smiling faces.

We were so young back then that little did we know—nothing lasts forever.
A full moon can't be visualized just by adding the first and third quarter together.
There is no such thing as half moons neither. Time flies, eventually revealed sinful lies. Feelings were filled with ruth, by now, we're merely being economical with the truth. Nevertheless, I was the one who freed you from my embrace. But believe me, love, I had my reasons and—regrets.

I smiled bitterly. Maybe—even just one last time, I want him to be mine for a day. At least, I'll be able to fulfill my wishes before the ending comes. I want to be selfish just one last time.

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