They Don't Know About Us - sukhoon

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As if a sharp arrow pierced through his heart, he couldn't breathe. His eyes were blurry, red draining from his body making him look pale and woeful. He frantically gestured, "Ji, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it—"

"You didn't mean to cheat? Is that it, Suk?!" Jihoon's eyes were full of condemn and misery. It hurts him to bits, seeing the leaked photo of Hyunsuk kissing his best friend, Junkyu.

"Let me explain—"


Suk wanted to gesture more reasonable words but what can he do—when his lover is now turning his back against him, leaving him without consent...

He is sensory impaired after all.


"You're my wife now, my very own princess, my precious treasure, Sukkie." Jihoon said slowly, letting the smaller man read his lips as they hug, curling up on the bed sheets like cocoons. The older stares, amused at how Ji tries so hard to form big shapes with his mouth each time he talks. His eyes shine, so blissful and contented, adoring his husband's attempt of making him understand every word. He smiles because he can see what Jihoon is conveying very well. He's indeed the sweetest. He wants to reply so bad—but sadly, he cannot talk nor hear anything.

Because he has sensory impairments— deaf and mute.

Jihoon held his waist, pulling him upwards to snuggle on Suk's chest, tickling his chin with his hair.

Hyunsuk was flustered but at the same time, mirthful about everything. Who would've thought that Jihoon would become his husband? A guy who is mute has the almighty famous singer, Jihoon as his husband. From all the other talented men whom he can choose from, from all the people who can hear and appreciate his lovely songs and angelic voice—still, he has chosen Hyunsuk, a deaf and mute one to be his.

"Sukkie? Love, wake up! It's your birthday so I made a song for you!" Ji banged on his door.

Hyunsuk was quick to open his eyes, running towards him smiling, leaving feathery kisses and embracing him with all his might. Oh, how he missed him so much.

"It has only been 2 days, Love." Jihoon chuckled, wiping the eye boogers from his husband's morning face.

Suk was quick to notice that so he bent his head down, suddenly feeling shy.

Aish, why didn't you check yourself before heading out Choi Hyunsuk?!

"Happy birthday my Sukkie!" He left a soft peck on his lips before hugging him once more.

Suk only had the guts to get teary-eyed. He missed him so much. Right, it's his birthday today. He didn't even notice because he only thought of Jihoon the whole week.

"Hey, why are you crying, Love?" Worry and panic was evident on Ji's face as he caress Suk's soft and bouncy hair fondly.

With sign language, hyunsuk gestured, "I missed you so much. 2 days felt so long. It feels sad and lonely without you."

But to his dismay, Jihoon lets go. Frowning a little as he holds his face.

"I have another flight to Japan later, Love—for my concert and that's for 1 week. I'm really....really sorry, Sukkie. That's why I woke you up early today."

As if a bullet pierced deep through him, Hyunsuk felt the sting in his heart.

It hurts. Here we go again. Another week without him.

Another week of loneliness.

"Okay, I'm kidding!" Jihoon snorted, chuckling so hard while slapping his thighs. He received a sharp glare from the other. "Love, I will reschedule every concert or activity that goes along our way. You're way more important than my career." Jihoon chuckled teasingly, wiping the smaller's tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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