Meeting with my father

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After some days,

A invitation came from Kamakhya forest to Subhadra, dwarka's royal family and other pandavpatnis. It was Ghatokach's wedding with Mauravi. Subhadra and other pandavpatnis were very happy seeing this and at this chance, they can meet with Hidimba and Ghatokach too. Pandavnandans were also very happy.

On the fixed day,
Krishna, astabharyas, Subhadra, Devika, Karenumati and Vijaya with their sons and they received a warm welcome from Hidimba. Hidimba and Ghatokach were also delighted seeing them.

Abhimanyu hugged Hidimba tightly and then he went with Ghatokach with his other cousins.

All pandavpatnis hugged Hidimba.

Hidimba: Pranipat my sisters! I am glad that you all came to attend my son's wedding.

Devika: How can we not come hidi! Ghatokach is our son too.

Hidimba smiled.

Subhadra: Pranipat jiji! At least, we got the chance to see you.

Hidimba: Yeah! Your presence is making this day special. But if my all brothers and husband would be there,  it would be really more blissful.

Other pandavpatnis sighed and nodded.

Like this more years passed. It was last year of pandavas exile and after that incognito was going to start. Krishna and Satyabhama went to the forest to meet with pandavas and draupadi.

Satyabhama: Panchali!

Panchali: Sakhi Satya! How are you?

Satyabhama: I am good. What about you?

Panchali: What should be my condition? Tell me about my sons.

Satyabhama: They all are fine. Subhadra and Rukmini is taking a great care of them.

Panchali: How is my Subhadra?

Satyabhama: She is also good. Maybe everyone is thinking she is enjoying palace comforts when her husband is in exile but it's not. She is burning in the fire of your revenge every moment and training her sons for the war. Even she is also living a simple life like a commoner.

Panchali: I know sakhi. My sisters are also in great pain. Tell me about my Abhimanyu. How is he? My he also grown up.

Satyabhama: Yes! He misses you all a lot and he took pledge that he will punish them who insulted his juesth mata. He is a great archer like his father.

Panchali: My eyes are yearning to see him but I have to wait one more year.

Like this, one year was passing. Pandavas were in matsya. It was their last year. On the other side, Abhimanyu also grown up and became a young great warrior who was absolutely like his father.Arjun strongly believed that this son of his and dwarkaratna will make them proud in future.

Duryodhan, shakuni and dusshasan came to dwarka to gain dwarka's support. At that time, Abhimanyu was practicing. They were shocked seeing his skills. Duryodhan was also praising this young warrior son of Arjun and subhadra.

Abhimanyu greeted Duryodhan, shakuni and dusshasan politely and left from there. Abhimanyu was sure that his uncles are not going to support a adharmi like Duryodhan. Abhimanyu was excited as his father's exile ended and they are going to come soon.

Abhimanyu was practicing archery and at that time, he saw a man with well built body and a white horse is coming towards dwarka.Abhimanyu's eyes become teary seeing his father after long time.

He shoot a arrow towards arjun's feet but arjun caught it and broke it and throw towards Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu hold that arrow. Arjun recognised him seeing his style and fingers which was like him. His complexion was like his mother and Abhimanyu was handsome like his uncle Krishna.

Arjun: Putra Abhimanyu....

Abhimanyu: Pitashree....

Abhimanyu hugged arjun tightly and touched his feet.

Arjun kissed his son's forehead.

Abhimanyu: I took birth with urs virtues pitashree.

Arjun: Yeah I can see myself in u, my son. Where is ur mamashree and mother?

Abhimanyu: Tatshree Duryodhan came and mamashree is talking with them. Matashree is doing her veneration. Wait, I am calling her.

Arjun: No, stop.

Arjun told something in Abhimanyu's ear and he smiled mischievously.

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