taking preparation for war

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After some days,

Uttara was feeling bored. No one was allowing her to do any work. Draupadi, Subhadra and others were also busy. Suthanu or lakhsmana was also not there with whom she could talk. At that time, Abhimanyu came.

Uttara: Pranipat arya! You came so soon today.

Abhimanyu: Yes tara! Pitashree, kakashrees and matashrees are talking about the proposal of peace which they sent to hastinapur with mamashree Krishna.

Uttara: Ooh! Arya, what do you think? Will they really accept the proposal of peace?

Abhimanyu: I don't know Uttara. Tatshree Yudhistir asked for 5 villages if he can get rid from this deadly war, he told he is ready to leave everything but I don't think kauravas will accept. They got blind and they are doing conspiracies to send pitashrees and juesth mata to exile again.

Uttara: I don't know arya but whenever I am thinking about the war, my heart becomes anxious thinking about the bloodshed.

Abhimanyu: You are a princess Uttara and this kind of anxiousness doesn't suit you. Be strong.


Abhimanyu: By the way, what was you doing?

Uttara: I am feeling bored. *pouts*

Abhimanyu: What I can do for u my queen?

Uttara: Let's play dice game.

Abhimanyu: Dice game?

Abhimanyu's smile faded hearing this. The flashback of past was coming in front of his eyes. 

Uttara: What happened arya?

Abhimanyu: One dice game snatched everything from us.

Uttara: *sad face* I am sorry arya if I hurt you.

Abhimanyu: Leave it now. As u wished, let's play. *smiles*

Uttara: If you don't want to play, no problem!

Abhimanyu: It's okay.

Abhimanyu and Uttara were playing dice game. Abhimanyu was winning every game and he was looking at Uttara with a teasing smile.

Uttara was a little bit annoyed and she was going to leave the game but Abhimanyu hold her hands.

Abhimanyu: Where are you going?

Uttara: I won't play with u. You are winning and I am losing every time. *pouts*

Abhimanyu: I can't believe my wife is running like this. *teasing*

Uttara: I am not running. Well, I am playing.

At last, Uttara won the last game and she was happy.

After 2 days,

Krishna returned from hastinapur and he told how poorly Duryodhan treated him. All pandavas were angry hearing this. They decided the date or time to start this war after talking with astrologer and it was going to start after 6 months.

Pandavas and their sons started taking preparation for the war and started gathering support for them. Kampilya, kashi, chedi, madra, matsya and kuntibhoj were going to support. Krishna was there as arjun's charioter and with Krishna, shri was also in the side of pandavas.

On the other side,

Dhritrastra and Gandhari was scared as they knows that in kurukshetra, adharm can never win and all sons of pandu always followed the path of dharm whereas all kauravas were sinners.

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