"Hey lad, why are you sitting here all alone? Shouldn't ya you know, be playing with friends o' somethin'?"
Ben wanted to ignore the old man with the cigar and walking stick who sat down on the other side of the bench. But that's not right, so begrudgingly Ben answers, "I'd rather be alone right now, sorry."
"Old woman's got ya annoyed hmm? Tell me, what happened back at your home?"
"It's nothing I want to talk to a stranger about, I'll be on my way then," and Ben gets up to leave. Though, as soon as he rises, the man grabs hold of his arm.
"I know it's hard, but sometimes ya just gotta do what ya think is right!"
Ben looked confused, he stared at the old guy with straight eyes. The man laughed seeing his serious expression as if he'd just agreed to rob a bank with no mask.
"Your neighbour knows more about you than you think." With a crooked smile, it's the man who leaves first, Ben after a minute of thinking.