Koi 8! "Tennis Game; Tennis Pain"

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*Miki Here*

I still can't believe that my tennis partner is Yukidaruma! Why him? Argh! I want to scream in frustration!
Our gym teacher told us to line up. We did what he told us to do and looked at him.

"The practice game starts now. First two pairs to compete, Yui and Koike and Miki and Yuki."

When my name and his name was called, I was so shocked. Why us?! Oh man! I suck at tennis.

We went to our positions and then started the game.

*After game*

I am so tired! My knees are wobbling and I feel so thirsty. After the practice game, well, we're kinda worn out. But do you want to know who won?

Ummm. Well, nobody. It was a tie.

I was kinda relieved because I didn't knew that that Yukidaruma is great at tennis. It's not obvious that he's an athlete. Because his body is slim and he doesn't move that much. And he doesn't even look healthy (well kinda).

I went to the bleachers were my bag is placed and pulled my water bottle out of my bag and drank. Seriously. I am so tired. I feel that any minute, I will lose consciousness and fall to the cold cemented ground.
I'm not the sporty kind of woman. I don't even like playing sports. What I play are mind games. But my physician said that I should engage in sports because I'm not physically healthy and I am sickly.

I get colds so easily and I am burning hot when I get a fever.

I heard Eru shout my name. I took a glance at her and waved my right hand. She ran quickly to me.

"Miki-chan! Are you okay? I know that you're already worn out."

I nodded. "Yes Eru-chan. Anyway where is Yui?"

"Oh Yui-chan? She went to the girls restroom because she said nature is already calling her."

"Oh." Then I giggled.

"By the way Miki-chan. Let's go to the school garden to breathe some fresh air and so that you could feel relaxed."


I put my water bottle in my bag and then started walking out of the bleachers. But when I took another step, my feet suddenly cramped that made me fall to the ground.
Oh man! I'm having muscle cramps again. This always occur after I play a sport.

I just laid down there at the ground because my feet really hurts. I can't stand.
Until my consciousness got lost little by little but I noticed someone running towards me and it looked like Yukidaruma and then everything turned black.

*Yuki Here*

I sat at a chair beside the bed where Honoka is lying on. And then, I stared at her face.

I remember the time when I walked to the court after I went to the restroom and I saw Honoka laying down at the ground near the bleachers. I panicked so hard that I quickly ran to her and didn't hesitated to carry her and I brought her quickly to the school clinic. I don't know what I am feeling but when I saw her looking so pale, I worried so much.
Maybe I'm just concerned. Yes. I'm just concerned. Nothing more.

As I stared at her face, I noticed something familiar with her look. She kinda looks like, Mariko Hasegawa if I'm right. But maybe I'm just imagining things. Speaking of Mariko, I wonder how is she?

"So you're still here Furukawa-san?"

I looked at the one who spoke and it's the school nurse, Nurse K. Irie.
I bowed to her and said, "Yes. I'm the one who brought her here so I might as well take care of her condition."

"How nice of you." And then, she smiled. She walked beside the bed and glanced at Honoka.

"She's gorgeous, isn't she?" I got shocked at what Nurse Irie said.
"Honoka is a great student. She is smart and is great when it comes to leading but she's very humble and kind."

On what Nurse K. Irie had said, I just nodded. Well I agree. I may tease Honoka all the time but I couldn't deny that she is a great person.

Wait-what am I saying? It creeps me out! Ugh!

"Anyway Furukawa-san, I'll leave already. If you want to go back to class, just tell the assistant nurse and they'll take care of her."

I nodded once again and bowed to her. She did the same to me and went out of the patient's room.
I just looked at Honoka once again and stared at her.

Little by little, I felt something weird in me and I did a very unexpected thing that made me shocked and nervous at the same time...
I kissed Honoka on her lips. While she is sleeping...

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