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The brunet opened his eyes, he wondered where he was and sat up while rubbing his eyes

It took him a good minute to recognise his surroundings since he's a bit sleepy and confused on why he's awake this early

Is it morning yet? It's dark but if felt like it's still midnight, he shrugged and decided to grab a bottle of smirnoff to make him pass out, he also noticed that a certain norwegian is missing too

It led to curiousity to Tom

Maybe he's planning something? Something that's big and can lead to their deaths?

Hah, it can be possible. "where has he gone to? That asshole" he mumbled and stood up while carrying a bottle of his drink. His standing is a bit off but he fixed his posture right

Tom wonder out of the tent glancing at the dark and cold view

he saw a trail of footprints and of course Tom followed it, the brunet opened the bottle easily and started to chug it. the blue followed and followed the trail, passing many peaceful trees and the sound of crickets can only be heard

Fireflies started to emerge and Tom watched it in amazement

An alley showed through the trees and Tom peeked through the bush, there. Tord is sitting down the grass and grey transparent cloud emerge infront of the horned man

Looks like he's smoking

The brunet walked over to him but far enough to sit down on the soil, probably six or five feet away from each other

Tom single handedly drank his smirnoff while Tord smoked, they were silent. just doing there own thing

"can't sleep?"

The norwegian huffed out his cigarette and Tom tried to avoid inhaling it, "sure" Tom drank between his sentence, "ah, whatever pleases you"

Tord watched the sky as it's glistened, having his mind full of things he can't say

"when I left.."

The brunet's face darkened at that word and turned slightly at the horned man

"did you cry?" here we are going on this topic that Tom tried to wipe out from his mind, "oh yeah" the horned man chuckled. "I remember seeing you and crying like a baby" Tord laughed and facepalmed

"my memory is getting blurry, remember when you hold me so tightly and begged me to stay as I left-"

Tord was greeted by a fist meeting his cheek

Of course the horned man drop from the ground causing his cigar fall. It probably burned the wet grass but quickly got extinguished by the droplet of water on the green dark grasses

"what the fu-" his sentence cutted short when Tom climbed up to him and started to strangle him on his stomach

He started to punch the red but not hard enough to make him knock out

Tord got about one punch on the eye and two other punches from his cheek. he irritatedly grabbed Tom's hand, "what's the big idea?!" the norwegian complained and Tord's free hand rubbed the back of his head

Tom ignored him and lifted his other fist

Tord closed his eyes expecting a hard punch to ruin his face but only..

a droplet of water

It confused him as he slowly open his eyes again and stared at the brunet with wide eyes, Tom. His rival and own enemy is..crying?

Tord didn't get it, he shown such weakness infront of him?, crying? But he felt..awful?

Regret. Guilt. Sadness.

It all washed over him, why is he feeling this stupid emotions? he's going to be a leader! A goddamn Leader and felt pity for some useless old..loving Tom?

"why.." the brunet mustered a word

Did he just came back to tease him? Make fun of him? That the love he felt for him was just a joke? He wish that he didn't met this guy. Tom wished they didn't met when they were young

Tord just laid there watching his tears fall by

"why did you abandoned me? Edd and Matt. Why?!" Tom yelled making the horned man flinch, why did he flinched? He always hear the brunet raise his voice at him but why now?

Maybe, just maybe. Tord didn't want to talk about this, unbelievable.

"you're just using me did you? You didn't feel anything towards me and used me as your own collectible items when we were a thing"

Tord got enough of this and change their position

Now he was the one on top and while the brunet is shedding tears, "Thomas." Tord looked at Tom who covered his eyes using his arm and teared up

"Thomas..look at me"

The horned man slowly reached up to his cheek, "I-I've done it because to.." he bite his lower lip, debating if he can say it to him

"..beskytte deg..min kjære, min kjærlighet og jeg ønsker å bli for deg resten av livet, men..i just can't.."

Tom gave up on speaking but he remembered some of the words that Tord said, like the 'Jeg' means 'i'

When they were together in the past, Tord usually teach the brunet some Norwegian, whenever he got something wrong, Tord will smother him in kisses or tickles

They were the sweetest couple in high-school, junior, mid, senior until they got into college and graduated together all in hands in hands. Expecting to live with a house and create their own family

I guess they're wrong

But something itched in Tom's brain, min kjærlighet means..no, he just misheard that, he won't dare say that to Tom

"just get off me. I won't bother myself to translate that"

The brunet wanted to get up but Tord didn't move, "would you just go? Please, please..i don't want you anymore.."

A knife started to pierce on the norwegian's heart. He didn't expect him to say that, Tord felt like he's own world crashed into him and it hurts so fucking bad. He won't admit it but he still love Tom even his brain rejected it

The only reason why he left because of his father and mother

They taught him about the army and soon he'll become a leader with no weaknesses. Tord didn't want that, he didn't want it to be happen considering Tord's weakness is Tom and him only

The horned man's parent knew about their feelings and ask for him to abandon him, leave without a word

So here he is. Having no emotions shown in public but now, he wanted to share one

Tord got off the brunet and Tom sat up looking down at the ground while the horned man is infront of him doing the same

So much commotion in one night

And they realised that their love teared them apart, force them to hate each other, argue with each other resulting for their pain to grow longer

"just forget about this, pretend that it didn't happen" Tord stood up and pocketed his hands to his hoodie

"and the time when were a thing. Please forget all of it" he dissappeared from the woods returning to camp letting the brunet be

Tom clutched his hair in frustration and pain, why did he let that out? Infront of him? Really? Real mature of you Thomas. Real mature

He sat there for a moment just stared at grass while his tears dried up

The brunet laughed at himself repeating the words that Tord said forget all of it


. . .

..Beklager...min kjærlige Thomas..

YSTA YDHETARD NAD ILAVE -me (im_depressed_help)

you left for what? //tomtord//Where stories live. Discover now