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"please, don't go.." a brunet once said holding his lover's arm tightly as he begged

"I'm sorry, I just can't" a strong accent with a pained tone was the last thing that the brunet heard from him, that man left without looking back from his love

He tried to reach for him, wishing that he change his mind and hug him tightly with a string of regret and tears

But no, I'm afraid it wasn't granted

Instead the brunet cried while knees on the floor, his tears flow while he rubbed his black voidless eyes in horror, the one he loved.., left him

The man with a suitcase rolled down the street as he trembled with pain and guilt. With a sad sob in a quite place, he asked himself if it is worth it?

Tom. The person who was left with hurt and betrayal while the one who abandoned him was Tord. A once a love struck fool who won't leave the brunet alone without showing affection in public

But he changed. He became the person where Tom can't recognise. A person who suddenly left without explanation. The sweet and charming idiot who stolen Tom's heart and breaking it into pieces

Why did he left?

That question rung through the brunet's mind, wondering if this was all of his fault, did he made a mistake?, did he upseted his beloved?, what can he possibly do to repay it if that was the case?

He decided to call him but was shocked when he knew he was blocked. Tom had nothing to do there but to stare at his shutted phone, seeing his worned out reflection

That was all in the past, that was when they graduated school, hoping to live their own lives with a genuine loving smile, it was all just a fantasy, a stupid fucking fantasy

Tom was staring at his ceiling, wondering why that memory suddenly greeted him in his mind

The door suddenly opened letting out a tiny squeak, "what do you want commie", the brunet said bitterly, he's pissed off now and Tord will surely piss him off more

"Edd said that it's breakfast time now" the horned man has his arms crossed while leaning on the door frame, "tell him I'm not hungry yet" Tom answered bluntly, he sighed when Tord closed the door again leaving him with the darkness

Back at his mind again and wondered if this would work out, he loved Tord but that feeling is gone when he disappeared for years and just came back again for no reason at all

Tom thought if he's planning to do something that it can get them all killed. He doubt it, he definitely will. "I haven't left yet you know?" the brunet groaned heavily while he sat up from his bed

"what do you want, you're clearly not welcome here" Tom said harshly but the horned man didn't even react

"on my own room? Ridiculous" Tord said sarcastically as he appeared from the shadows, the brunet glared at him and the horned man chuckled, "well it's not my fault that your room turned into a swimming pool"

Tom flipped him off and laid down again with a slight bounce

He didn't said anything, Tom liked the silence. But not the view of a certain horned man who's currently on the side of the bed, "what do you want, can you please go away" the brunet angrily tossed a pillow from Tord which he dodged it not bothering to pick it up

"you have to do better than that Thomas, a simple soft pillow won't stop me witness" here comes the teasing, "oh I will commie" the brunet looked at the side where Tord is standing, looking like a creep

"Tord! Tom!, come out here and eat!" Edd yelled causing the two of them to look at the door

"see you later nitwit" the horned man teased making Tom mad, "asshole" the brunet mumbled loud enough for Tord to hear but ignored when the door of the room shutted close

Welp, back to his head I guess

"Tom!, you too please! Get out of there!" great, with a tired sigh. The brunet eventually got off from his comfortable bed leading himself outside of the room
But he got enough strength to yell 'okay!'

Tom went down the staircase and surprise surprise, Edd was waiting for him to get out

"Tom!, come on!, I have a announcement to make!"

Said the green one who's jumping excitedly, Tom is guessing that they'll probably have an adventure again or go discover some buried treasure that's waiting for them or even-

His thoughts cutted quickly by his wrist being drag to the kitchen

Edd made him sit between Tord and Matt, the ravanet make his way to the unnocupied seat

"well, i know this is common for us and probably you know what I'm going to say" Matt was on his mirror, checking his beauty, Edd snatched it making Matt pout

"and yes, we will go on a adventure!, I can't tell you where though. it's a surprise" Edd made explosion noises and hand movements along with it

Tom smiled a bit, he knew it, the green one is full of surprises

But he wonder what kind of daring place they'll visit by?, "that's fun Edd but I think I need to back down on this one" the norwegian said

"but, come on Tord. Its been so long since we hang out together!, all of us are coming!. Not an excuse nor an apology, we're all in this together!"

The ravanet opened his arms while standing up, then he placed it on his hips, "now, pack up your bags. I'll start the engine!" Edd the keys on his hoodie pockets which made Tom raise an brow

When did he- how did he grabbed the keys?, is it always there?

The brunet shake the thoughts and standing up, "I'll go grab something to pack" he said and exited out the table


When Tom's done packing so does the horned man which he surprisingly followed the brunet into his room

He get it that they're 'roommates' for a month or two until Tord can find a place to stay in the house

They met Edd outside but Matt is missing, probably making out on his own mirrors, again.. "ugh, Matt."

Edd left the trunk hanging, "you two can put your bags there, I'll get Matt" the ravanet jogged up to their house

Tom wasted no time and went for the trunk, he put down his valuable things like Susan (his bass), bags with clothes, shorts, hoodies and others. He also hid a three bottles of smirnoff deep inside his clothing

Tord did the same but kept his distance with his rival

The brunet thought it will be a whole bag of anime shit that he read, Tom let him be after he finished setting his things down and waited for Edd and Matt to come out by leaning on the car with crossed arm

It is quiet, for Tom's surprise. Whenever he's alone with the horned man, they usually argue and fight for whatever ridiculous thing they disagree about

He was weirded out that's for sure but let out an breath when he saw Edd dragging Matt's bag and the ginger with him

"let's go on a adventure!"

a:n my third book, which is surprising. I just want to get this thoughts out of my head, I planned this for my other book on 'what our future holds' but considering it's far to a end  but eventually it will be completed

Stay hydrated and alive! -me (im_depressed_help)

you left for what? //tomtord//Where stories live. Discover now