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"are we there yet?" the ginger whined, "Matt I told you for a 15th time no, you've been asking this for like 20 minutes after we left off"

Edd said beside him, Matt sighed pouted while dramatically slumped against his seat, the ginger called shot gun after they were done packing leaving Tom and Tord on the backseat

It's also upsetting but glad they aren't speaking at each other

Instead, the brunet was watching out the window, glancing at the trees they passed by. It was quiet, for Tom's suspicion, Edd was on the wheel answering Matt's 'are we there yet'

That's the only noise Tom can hear

"Thomas" the sound of his name made Tom's eye twitched, "ah, thanks for ruining my peaceful quietness commie, what do you want." Tom then glared at the opposing color

Tord is looking at him with a emotionless face he always wear

"it's unusual for you to be this quiet" so he noticed too huh? What observant of him, "wow, do you want a cookie for that?" Tom said sarcastically, it made the horned man chuckle

"now there he is!, the witness I know"

Tord teasingly wrapped around his arms to the brunet and trapping him in it, Tom tried to shake him off but failed, "can you not touch me?, I don't know where that body of yours came from" the brunet wish the sentence offended Tord but to no vail

"my body came from my mother thanks for worrying" Tord snapped back while smirking at the brunet

Tom has nothing to do but crossed his arms with a angry frown, Tord was still leaning on him not letting the brunet escape. It surely made Tom irritated which the commie planned

"we're here!"

Edd yelled making the two of them looked at him, A..forest? With camps? Oh no..nonono anything but this

"wait Edd..are we going on a.." the brunet's voice faded. Wishing that Edd will say no, "yup!, we're going camping!, ain't that exciting?!"


"Edd, you know how I hate camping!, whenever we're out in nature we always got to bump into a place that's dangerous like a cemetery full of zombies, a abandoned theme park with ghosts scattered around it or even the mix of two!"

Tom tried to make Edd reconsider about this but he was met by a shrug

"it wouldn't be that bad if you think positive about it, look at the bright side!, we can spend our time with each other!. Right Matt? Right Tord?" Edd looked back at Matt who's nodded even though he didn't understand what Edd's saying

The ginger just want his mirror back since it's on the green's hoodie pocket, Edd glanced at the red who's unpacking their bags

"oh Tom!, can you help Tord unpack?, I need to check if our camp isn't filled with bugs or snakes" the ravanet said, "but-", "come on now, off you go!" Edd pushed Tom towards the car

The brunet glance at him and the green made a thumbs up before heading towards their camping site while dragging Matt

It made him sigh

He grumpily walk towards his rival but not without a deathly glare

"how nice of you Thomas" Tord returned the gesture by dropping a baggage from his arm, "omphk" Tom accidentally said after receiving the bags

"what's even in this?, is this bag came from Matt??" Tom peeked at it on a opening, "is this full of mirrors??" the brunet complained and tried to fix his arms on the bag

"hah" was the only thing Tord can say as he easily grabbed Edd's and Tom's package, "be careful with Susan Tord, I will kill you if you hurt her"

The brunet warned, "sure Thomas, I'll be gentle with her" but that promise shorten when he accidentally bump the bass on the trunk when he shutted it close

Tom with on full hands couldn't help but to watch his bass to get scratched, he glared at the horned man who quietly said 'oops'

"You'll pay for that you little-", "guys!, i need my bag!" the ginger wave at them

Tord chuckled, "do what you can Thomas, I'll be waiting" the norwegian loop around the bags on his shoulder while Susan is on his hand

Tom gritted his teeth while mumbling incoherent words

The brunet struggled to get the bags balance from his arms but eventually he got back from their camp, "thanks Tim!" Matt said cheerily

He slowly drop Matt's bag and harshly drop Tord's down, the horned man saw it after giving Edd's his own and settle Tom's bag down with Susan

"oops" the brunet teased making Tord scoff and rolled his eyes

Tom went for his bag and Susan too, grabbing it and slinging it to his shoulder, "did you set this all up Edd?" Tord questioned and Edd nodded

"so that's why you always sneak at night" the ginger added up and Tom looked at Edd who chuckled embarassedly

"I didn't know you noticed me Matt but eh, for now I'll take Tom to the green tent and Tord and Matt will take the yellow one" the ravanet smiled, the brunet breath in relief knowing he won't be with Tord anymore

But that made him question, is edd going to stop from the friendship thing he ask for us? Did he gave up and not want to deal any of me and Tord's argument?

Usually if they're on a adventure it would be Edd trying to make Tom and Tord to be friends again

But why the sudden change?

"you couldn't have bought four tents Edd, you know yellow isn't my thing" Tord groaned and Matt nodded, "atleast be grateful that you got some shelter, besides. The store has only two tents available yellow and green that's it"

By that the green walk back to his tent with Tom


"hey Edd" Tom spoke up while checking his bag, "yes Tom?" Edd replied, they were in their tent checking if they had everything right

"what happened?, I thought you're going to partner me up to the commie again." the ravanet shrugged but Tom didn't notice it since he has his back on the green one while checking up Susan

"I kinda..ehh realised that if I left you two and made you roommates again, you'll start on a fight and one of you will be bloodied faces, I don't want that, you two always fight and me trying to fix it"

The ravanet paused and looked at Tom who's watching him speak

"maybe friendship can't solve anything so I let you two be, either you fight or argue I'm cool but I just can't sit by and watch my two best friends not..friends.."

Edd sounded sad and it Tom felt guilty, the green tried his best to make the two of the rivals to make up

"I'm sorry Edd but I can't forgive him now or in..forever" Tom stood up, "forgive him? For what? What did he do to make you hate him?" Edd said in confusion

"I'm sorry again Edd" the brunet made his way outside

"I'm afraid that's the part where I wouldn't reveal to you"

a:n stay hydrated and alive! -me (im_depressed_help)

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