Preparing for war by any means necessary

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Steve's POV
After Tony has sprung such news on us it was like there  was about to be a mutiny in the conference room as things fully process  and with how angry Tony's body language was screaming as he told us  everything that was happening with his newly discovered daughter i could understand his anger of where he was coming from ,if  i put myself in his shoes and just found out that not only did i have a daughter whos a superhero herself but isalso  being bullied and attacked by her classmates along with being violated by someone who's suppose to look after me while my mother is out of town I would be angry too.  Seeing everyone about to bombard tony with lots of angry questions regarding his daughter and both of her situations civilan and superhero , I take control of the situation at hand and ask  " Stark how are we going to help Marinette ?"

An: Lets pretend this after endgame but tony didnt die , Also wakanda forever Rip Chadwick Boseman

He looks at me with a look  i can decipher as thank you and proceeds to say " Im glad you asked Steve because Im  need all yall's  help finding this terrorist whos causing most of my daughter's pain if you compare both of the pictures other thats recent in both forms you  can tell how tired she looks and how she is struggling to keep her head above water . With this Lila Rossi person things seem to be getting out of hand especially with the teachers being of no help or guidance to Marinette but instead enables that pathological liar to do whatever she wants without consequences whatsoever." Tony continued to say " I have talked to both Pepper and Marinette's mom Sabine  about getting some help legally so thats Pepper is doing to help Sabine so they can get away from the toxic environment in paris and tom the  step dad  , we need to gather all resoures  and hunt down this hawkmoth dude so ladybug and her team can finally be the teenagers they are without having to constantly save paris ".

Natasha 's Pov

As Tony  was answering Steve's question I took a deeper look into his daughter's file both the one being shown and the one i found at the school she goes to, seeing the comparison side by side  as it had shown me the corruption of  the school system and  how much it has failed Marinette so mcuh that she has no support only gets blamed  and gaslighted  , I say after a minute of silence " We could also file  a lawsuit on her behalf because the school system has failed her too many times based off what im reading , they would sweep everything she reported under the rug since before this lila rossi came in the picture and now that this Лгун is here gettng away with basically murder with no consequences the school and her classmates take her words as if its gospel . Im also willing to bet she willl menton us in spews of lies plus the blog of one of the sheep has some incrimatinng things on it more specifically everything done to Marinette is doucmented on it plus a bunch of nonsense about other celebrities she has lied about as well." After I say that I continue my deep dive in marinette's file finding more things we should be worried about so I call tony over to me" Tony come look at this " , showing him the video footage from the security cameras that show his daughter getting verbally and physcially abused by her classmates as they turn a blind eye when all of this happens  but also how that Лгун is willingly working with hawkmoth by getting akumatized on purpose clearly with no remorse.

Tony's pov

Hearing what Capsicle  had to say and looking at what Natasha had to show me i was even more disgusted at what she found  ; it was multiple videos from the school's security cameras showing marinette getting beat up and how the class attacked her , destroyed her property , some even watched as others did  the beating but one of two things that call my eye was that Lila Rossi uhgh her name made me want to deliever the Hulk to her on her door step while he's full on angry was smirking as she watched her minions beat Mari  when ever no one was looking at Lila doing her dirty work ; other thing that also caught my attention is the next video that had shown Lila taking the akuma ( possessed butterfly) willingly while smirking as well  when she forced the akuma into her earring . That let me know shes working with Hawkmoth doing anything to make Marinette get akumatized and blame her for anything . After I look at those videos im more determined to help Marinette get out of that environment now more than ever , she deserves to be free from those incomptent teachers, sheep for classmates and be free to able to feel things without constantly feeling paranoid that her emotions will get taken advantage of .

3rd pov

Meanwhile  across the ocean 3,689 miles away  in a place thats considered to be hell for our favorite blue haired beauty that she once used to love at one point absentmindly wrote notes but not for what you would think because she takes online classes as well as being here in hell with these sheep and their lying queen who constantly interupts the lessons to add more to her  fabcriated  life ,you would learn nothing if you were in her class. the notes Marinette was taking was for research for the scholarship and essay that was placed as her responsibity since She was class president in all. Marinette took time to research for the contest  and gotham in general especially Batman and his team of vilgilantes . She did a thorough research about them knowing everything she needed to know about them even hacking the bat computer leaving no traces of her doing so . What alot of people dont know is that Marinette is a genius has been one since she was born  and although  she didnt follow the science route like her dad she is very efficient in what she does whether its designing or running her business or even just leading the miraculous team to defeat hawkmoth's pawns.

Being brought of her thoughts and back to the reality of where she currently was , Marinette nearly jumped when chloe nudge her in the side of the rib totallly not prepared for that she looked at her now that her attention was  on chloe she whispered in japanese "はい、クィーニー、どうしたの?"  Chloe replied in  a whsiper as to not pull attention to them from the moronic sheep in the front half the classroom " マリバグ、何してるの、ゾーンアウトしてたくさん書いていたの"? mari responded back as their conversation continued on  before you knew it the bell rang for their break and with out realizing it MPS walked out the classroom only to met with the mob known as the sheep glaring at marinette and the next thing you see is Marinette getting attacked and yelled at while her friends are held back from jumping in to stop them from hurting her more and if you look a lilttle closely you could see a smirk appear on a certain liar's face  as she watches her dirty work take place while she stands in the arms of a certain spoiled entitled brat with daddy issues . After a while and insults like " bitch, slut , maritrash , whore " etc are yelled at Marinette and her friends are let go of when the sheep go away from the scene of their crime all you could hear is whimpering and reassurance of " it will be okay , soon they will get whats coming them no matter what". Those words are said to her and slowly along with as careful as possible they pick up Mari carrying her things and her towards Chloe's limo so they  can tend to her injuries .

Nino's Pov

Watching someone i love like a sister getting beat up again and again while being held back so I cant help her is hard and makes me hate the sheep alot more espeically Lila and Alya, it brings tears to my eyes everytime i see her get beat up for nothing all because of that عاهرة مستلقية مرضية whos hellbent on making marinette suffer as much as possible  and the fact that Adrien sits back and watches as Lila continues to lie and deceive people makes me sick  Im disgusted with both them .

AN : Лгун is russian for liar, はい、クィーニー、どうしたの?" is japanese yes queen whats up ?, マリバグ、何してるの、ゾーンアウトしてたくさん書いていたの japanese for maribug , waht were you oing you were zoned out alot along with writing alot , عاهرة مستلقية مرضية is arabic for pathological lying bitch .

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