Justice for mari part 5:2/3

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In Paris
Alix 's pov
I hope Aunt Sabine finds where Nettie is because not having her here is bad for our environment she's our sister and sunshine even though her light is not as bright right now which fucking unfortunate since that bitch of a liar joined  Collège Françoise Dupont the Akuma class minus us have made things such a shit show to the point where Liela is a fucking wannabe queen and the sheep are her minions who do her bidding and that wannabe reporter is her bitch of an guard dog who attacks at any point of a whimper.If i could hop into the burrow and fast forward a bit for Nettie's sake I would but She has to go through this without my interference unfortunately plus how much can one supposedly hurt someone over and over without having any so called evidence especially when Nettie isn't here at the moment.
" Ugh I'm so gonna teach that bitch a little lesson , like who the fuck does she think she is ". Like Lila is one of sweetest people ever and pretty sure Adrien is in love with her so that Bitch can fuck off  and kill herself it's not like anyone would care anyway .I don't care about her anymore I don't even know why I was friends with that slut in the first place other than the free stuff I had to force out of her . When I see her I'm gonna show her what happens when you bully someone that little bitch is going down .

Adrien's pov
"Marinette needs to take high road like we talked about because her constantly calling Lila a liar is gonna get her akumatized and we can't have that ". Lila is way better than Marinette anyway and I would love another chance to teach her a lesson the same way I did as chat noir before that bitch ladybug took what was rightfully mine but fuck her I already fucked Marinette many times before as Chat Noir even helped Tom and his friends fuck her , She's such a slut anyway .

In New York

Natasha's pov
"We're gonna find you little bug and you'll be safe again then after that pest is gone you'll be able to feel without being taken advantage of plus that liar will be taken down as well " I think to myself as I comb through every footage I can find with Marinette in mind on the streets of Paris from the  bakery Sabine and her a soon to be ex husband Tom to the school where an incompetent enabler of a principal and teacher are, I also added the hotel where She's currently staying at for the meantime to ensure her safety. As I'm doing that I noticed a hit came through from when Tony first came to us about Marinette with the file on the Agrestes , It just gave us who our emotional terrorist is that the Elusive fashion designer Gabriel Agreste which makes his son Adrien Chat Noir from this footage at their mansion this will incriminate them both  one for international terrorism and the other sexual assault on a minor as Adrien is  18 years old .
I'm gonna make sure these two and that bitch of a pathological liar get everything that's coming to them for what they have done to my niece   She doesn't deserve what they did to her .Karma's a bitch and she will deliver her just desserts to those monsters.

Tony's pov
After finding out that my baby girl was taken by assassins I immediately sent what Jarvis found to Bruce Wayne so I know we will have an easier time identifying the assassins and where my daughter is now with his help. Yes I know my daughter is ladybug and the guardian of the jewels that help her and her team be the superheroes they are today . I will do everything and anything I can help to ensure she gets all the help she needs so she doesn't have to be held hostage no longer by an assassin or an international emotional terrorist who's been terrorizing Paris for almost four years now and not only  Paris was victim so was china and New York during French American week but that's soon gonna be taken care of. 

I call Bruce Wayne and say " Bruce our kids were taken by Assassins , and From my understanding your son was made into assassin correct?" Bruce replied " yes his mother and grandfather raised him that way until he came to me at the age of 10 years old , I Believe I know the location of where they are I'll send it to you right now " he says,    I then say " Okay I'll get my team suited up and you get yours we are going to get our children " ,after I say that he agrees and we hang up then I tell Jarvis " Jarvis tell them to suit up and meet up at the Quinn jet in five minutes and tell pepper to call Sabine to let her know we found Marinette ". Jarvis replies with " yes sir already done and Ms Potts has been notified to call Ms Sabine ."

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