A best friend hug

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I woke up one night seeing Ace looking at Me with Alex over me pointing there wands at me I was panicking when I shouted STUPIFY!!! to both of em as Alex was about to cast a spell Nymphodora busted in casting her spell protecting me saying get out you two before my husband comes home and eats you I smiled when they said not till she's gone Nymphodora said well that's not possible you see she's my auour student so stay away from her I smiled when Lupin came in full wolf form attacking Ace and Alex I screamed DONT HURT ACE!!! as Nymphodora knew I still had feelings for her I hugged Nymphodora she said I got you I started tearing up I never felt more heartbroken Nymphodoras hair turned red as I knew she was mad as Ace ran out with Alex I never thought my heart could not be more crushed I kept my arms around Nymphodora as she asked how did they get in they don't know the spell I cried harder and harder Nymphodora said if Ace ever hurts you again I'll rip her eyes out I said I love u Nymphe she said I love you to she ran out the door screaming at Ace I never felt more afraid when Lupin said you ok sorry about my additude I said yeah I'm ok it's just I hope Nymphe is ok I looked out the window when i saw a huge fight break out as a screamed NYMPHY!!! Her husband said hey hey she's going to be OK I started crying so hard nearly dying in sadness Nympy was in trouble as I started crying then I heard a scream running out the door I said Nymphy omg omg when I saw Ace on the ground with Alex I hugged Nymphodora crying scared I was gonna lose her as she said hey I'm alright I'm alright as she looked at the two saying now GET OUT AND DONT COME BACK!!! I Smiled crying with my hufflepuff shirt on she said hey its wrinkley as she straightened it I said I don't care all I care about is if your alive she smiled saying chill it's ok your my best friend no matter what I swear I will always be there for you

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