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“I was falling. Falling through time and space and stars and sky and everything in between. I fell for days and weeks and what felt like lifetime across lifetimes. I fell until I forgot I was falling.”

It started raining not long after he laid down on his bed, feeling strange at sleeping on soft sheets that took sleep away from him. He was looking out the window and thinking about what or who he didn't know but his mind was hazy almost the same as Taehyung had on his face before he stood up and left him.

In the middle of the night, another soldier came in and Seokjin closed his eyes so the other would think he was asleep. And there he fell asleep truly soon.

The next day, he woke up to the first rays of daylight that made him smile a little bit before he got up from the bed. Walked to the shower and cleaned himself up, called himself handsome as he ran a hand into his hair and was drying his face when Hoseok barked in the shower. Nothing special. Just soldiers’ thing.

“I don't remember if I have ever seen you this clean,” he teased.

Seokjin threw his towel at Hoseok before saying “and you won't probably ever see me this clean again” as in everything he did today, was with a reason. One and only reason. And what other than Taehyung could be a greater reason

They walked downstairs together where there was a delicious aroma of meat being cooked as breakfast was being prepared. They sat down on the table where a few soldiers were conversing and reading a newspaper.

“You shouldn't read newspapers this soon,” one of them said.

“And why is that so?”

“It is bad luck, what if they call us back to fight,” said the other, who made Seokjin snort.

They would turn back to war, sooner or later.

“We will be called soon but would you rather go knowing what’s going on or go fight without knowing what is happening out there, in the important places and discussions,” the man reading the newspaper said.

“What does it say?” asked Seokjin, leaning towards the table with curiosity as he picked his cup of coffee.

“Nothing important for us… nothing related for us right now, the war is going on there still”

“Good… I’m not ready to go back yet” he said, which earned a laugh from the rest.

He walked out of the villa as soon as the  breakfast was over and lit up a cigarette, took a long deep smoke before Hoseok reached to him and placed his hand on the older’s shoulder.

“What are we going to do today?” Hoseok asked with a smile.

“Whatever you want us to do,”

“I don't know, I have been here for two weeks and this city is all the same, I don't know anything,”

“Then go to port,”

Hoseok shook his head, his smile turning in a thin line bolding his dimples, “it smells of salt and fishes, wherever I look it is sea… a scenery I can't dream of… what about tonight? What are we going to do tonight?”

Seokjin considered for a moment, before he said, “I have someone to meet up tonight,”

“Your flower boy? The lovely singer?”

Seokjin didn't answer. He inhaled a whiff of smoke as he watched the sight in front of him, people passing by, the shining sun with a few clouds adorning the blue sky. The weather was humid and smelled like wet soil because of the rain last night.

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